
pedals ['pedlz]  ['pedlz] 






pedals 基本解释
踏板( pedal的名词复数 );脚蹬子;踏板;踏瓣;
pedals 网络解释

1. 脚踏板:1. 本公司系自行车零件装配厂商,为一外销为主要导向(外销:95%)兼具内销(5%). 2. 外销产品以自行车脚踏板(Pedals)及自行车用电灯(Lamp)为主. 3.

2. 踏板:重叠弦列(Over-stung)见交叉弦列(Cross-stung),踏板(Pedals)钢琴有两至三只踏板. 延音踏板在右,它可以把制音器从弦列上移开. 弱音踏板(立式钢琴称soft pedal;三角钢琴称una-cords pedal)在左,una-cords(原意:一根弦)能把所有的琴键向右偏移,

3. 脚踏:Crankset:大齿盘 | Pedals:脚踏 | Chain:链条

4. 方向舵脚蹬:pedalrotarythresher 脚踏脱粒机 | pedals 方向舵脚蹬 | pedalshaft 踏板轴

pedals 单语例句

1. Bushman pedals about on his bicycle overseeing operations and the workforce of more than 200 is planting more than three million flowers of 300 species.

2. There is an array of small practice amps, as well as a decent collection of effects pedals and accessories.

3. She found Wellman in the front part of the house and dragged her wheelchair by the foot pedals to the sidewalk.

4. Dealers will be instructed on how to modify the pedals before the end of the year and will begin shortening the accelerators in 2010.

5. pedals是什么意思

5. There's tricks too involving putting your legs over the handle bars, riding one handed and switching your feet on the pedals.

6. pedals在线翻译

6. Toyoda also said that new systems to allow brakes to override gas pedals were being put on new models.

7. The sticky accelerator pedals also led to US sales and production halts.

8. The automaker has offered to fix the pedals by adding a metal shim, or to replace them completely.

9. pedals的意思

9. The city's utter lack of any kind of topography makes turning the pedals a breeze.

10. A Tumen resident pedals across the railway line between China and DPRK.