
pedestal [ˈpedɪstl]  [ˈpɛdɪstəl] 







pedestal 基本解释


名词底座,基座; 根底,基础; [机]托轴架; 受人尊敬的地位

动词搁在架上; 支持; 给…加台脚

pedestal 相关例句


1. He desired not to be pedestalled, but to sink into the crowd.

pedestal 网络解释


1. 基座:Rosaline Krauss以形式空间的观点来观察视觉艺术在20世纪的艺术发展,她提出当雕塑从其座落的基座(pedestal)中消失,将会被解放到开放的场所(site). 这个开放的场域对Krauss而言,是实质的物理性空间,同时也是一个文化空间.

2. 台:发动机燃油控制 发动机燃油控制开关位于中央控制台(pedestal)上,它控制燃油流向发动机. RUN 发动机和翼梁阀门受控打开. CUT OFF 发动机和翼梁阀门受控关闭. ENG VALVE 表示发动机阀门未处于指令位置.阀门在过渡过程中会临时点亮.

3. 座:利用旁边的火把烧掉绑手的绳子游戏下载 熔浆室的右边是工作室(WORKSHOP),进去先将右边的铁链(CHAIN)拉两下,再把左边的铁链和右边的铁链各拉一下,只见容器(LAVA VESSEL)盛起了岩浆,又缓缓的移到了台座(PEDESTAL)前用楼梯下到谷中,和雕刻家(SCULPTOR)说话,

pedestal 词典解释

1. (雕像等的)底座,基座
    A pedestal is the base on which something such as a statue stands.

    e.g. ...a larger than life sized bronze statue on a granite pedestal.

2. 受崇拜/ 不再受崇拜
    If you put someone on a pedestal, you admire them very much and think that they cannot be criticized. If someone is knocked off a pedestal they are no longer admired.

    e.g. Since childhood, I put my own parents on a pedestal. I felt they could do no wrong...
    e.g. That failure knocked me off my pedestal.

pedestal 单语例句

1. She should be put on a pedestal and enshrined as the virgin queen of Chinese cinema somewhat like the Buddha of Infinite Chastity.

2. pedestal在线翻译

2. The statue depicts Zhe De in full marshal dress sitting on a black marble pedestal gazing affectionately at this land for which he fought bravely.

3. Sure, her skirt does not flutter and her legs were replaced with a more solid pedestal.

4. pedestal是什么意思

4. But after flames shot up from the statue, it remained steadfast on its pedestal with just a hole ripped out at the groin.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The solidifying agent was perfused over it in 1984 when the lion was moved from the ground to its current stone pedestal.

6. Chances are though, that no one will be able to knock Federer off his pedestal.

7. pedestal的近义词

7. Bush rejected proposed quotas seeking to limit rising imports from China of mechanical devices known as pedestal actuators.

8. " We looked up to Western journalists but didn't put them on a pedestal, " Qian says.

9. pedestal的翻译

9. Ma said putting the bottle on a pedestal creates a false value, inflating the price of many domestic wines.

10. pedestal

10. To the young generation, nothing feels more heartening than striking someone down from a pedestal.

pedestal 英英释义


1. a support or foundation

    e.g. the base of the lamp

    Synonym: base stand

2. an architectural support or base (as for a column or statue)

    Synonym: plinth footstall

3. a position of great esteem (and supposed superiority)

    e.g. they put him on a pedestal