1. 花梗:托叶(stipule)组成.(b)羽状复叶(Pinnate):小叶排列於叶轴(rachis)两侧而呈羽状者.六,花序(Inflorescence):花於花枝上之排列顺序,花有小柄者曰小花柄(pedicel)小花生柄著生於花轴(rachis),未著生花之花轴下部曰花梗(peduncle).12.
2. 茎:pedophobia 洋娃娃恐怖症 | peduncle 茎 | pedunculus cerebri 大脑脚
3. 脚:pedrail 履带 | peduncle 脚 | peduncular 花梗的
4. 花序梗:pedosphere 土壤圈 | peduncle 花序梗 | pedunculate bodies 蕈形体
1. danci.911cha.com
1. a bundle of myelinated neurons joining different parts of the brain
Synonym: cerebral peduncle
2. peduncle
2. stalk bearing an inflorescence or solitary flower
3. the thin process of tissue that attaches a polyp to the body