
peeling ['pi:lɪŋ]  ['pi:lɪŋ] 







peeling 基本解释



动词剥落; 脱落; 削[剥]去(水果或蔬菜的皮)( peel的现在分词 ); 覆盖层脱落,剥落

peeling 网络解释


1. 剥离:加速不足将会残留过多的锡元素,进而使得沉积镀层产生附着性能不佳以及剥离(Peeling)与脱落(Pull Away拉离)的现象. 如果使用其他形式的加速剂,则过度加速以及加速不足的情形,将可能会发生. 检查一下钻孔制程所用的钻针是否锐利,

2. 起皮:3.如果是油漆过去已经漆过的表面,而且原来的油漆没有起皮(peeling)起泡(blistering)裂缝(cracking)等等问题的话,只要很轻的很快的用细砂纸磨一遍,直接漆面漆就可以啦,当然有问题的话,也要先修复,要上底漆.

3. 剥皮:韦登斯基现象、剥皮(Peeling)现象都是用以解释高度房室传导阻滞或束支传导阻滞时,期前收缩或逸搏后使房室或束支传导得以改善的理论. 现结合5例房室传导阻滞和束支传导阻滞的病例分析报告如下.

4. 剥落:此外,由于溅镀金属与柱状管之间,因材质、温度、沈积厚度等各种不同变因,所引发的机械应力(mechanical stress)或热应力(thermal stress),更会使得沈积在柱状管上的金属沈积物,有剥落(peeling)之虑,无形中成为一个潜在的微尘来源(

peeling 单语例句

1. peeling在线翻译

1. The trip also included a pit stop for a drink in a modest cafe with green plastic chairs and peeling paint.

2. peeling什么意思

2. While peeling a carrot into long strips, he compared them to the length of the Silk Road.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. Zhu created his vivid human pieces of art mainly through chopping, peeling and cracking a whole piece of wood with saws.

4. Growers in the county use a traditional manual method for peeling, hanging and drying the fruit to to make creamy and sweet dried persimmon.

5. Peel the potatoes and drop into slightly salted water while you finish peeling every one.

6. No one wants pockmarked whites, so the peeling method is key.

7. Sea birds roost where soldiers once waited anxiously to go to war, and peeling paint exposes vast expanses of rust from bow to stern.

8. Their paint is peeling, but at least they are not fakes.

9. If you answered'yes'to three or more questions, then peeling may be the right choice for you to regain your former radiance.

10. The gleaming white presidential office in the middle of the peeling and impoverished city had been a symbol of Aristide's power.

peeling 英英释义


1. loss of bits of outer skin by peeling or shedding or coming off in scales

    Synonym: desquamation shedding