
pelt [pelt]  [pɛlt] 








pelt 基本解释

及物动词(连续地)投掷; 连续攻击; 剥皮

不及物动词(连续地)投掷; (雨等)急降; 开火; <口>迅猛前进

名词毛皮; 投掷; 抨击,打击

pelt 相关例句


1. We pelted our friends with snowballs.

2. It's pelting down!

3. They pelted down the hill because it began blowing hard.


1. The rain pelted down.


1. Pelts were in short supply last year.

pelt 网络解释

1. 毛皮:这两层毛发和皮肤一起组成毛皮(pelt). 由于动物的毛中保留着一层用于保温防寒的空气,因此,毛皮使动物身体保持温暖. 用毛皮制作衣服不仅可以保暖,同时,也可以给人带来一种奢华的感觉. 毛皮衣物包括夹克、外套、皮围巾和帽子等.

2. 生毛皮:peccary 野猪皮 | pelt 生毛皮 | pheasant 鳗鱼皮

3. 投掷:pelt at 投击 | pelt 投掷 | peltate 盾状的

pelt 词典解释

1. (可用来制衣或制毯的)毛皮
    The pelt of an animal is its skin, which can be used to make clothing or rugs.

    e.g. ...a bed covered with beaver pelts.
    e.g. ...rapidly diminishing suppliers of furs and pelts.

2. 向…投掷
    If you pelt someone with things, you throw things at them.

    e.g. Some of the younger men began to pelt one another with snowballs...
    e.g. Crowds started to pelt police cars with stones.

3. 倾泻;倾盆而下
    If the rain is pelting down, or if it is pelting with rain, it is raining very hard.

    e.g. The rain now was pelting down...
    e.g. It's pelting with rain...

4. pelt的翻译

4. 快速奔跑;飞奔
    If you pelt somewhere, you run there very fast.

    e.g. Without thinking, she pelted down the stairs in her nightgown.

5. pelt

5. 全速;飞快地
    If you do something full pelt or at full pelt, you do it very quickly indeed.

    e.g. Alice leapt from the car and ran full pelt towards the emergency room...
    e.g. He drove his car through the gates at full pelt.

pelt 单语例句

1. pelt的翻译

1. Bo Van Pelt's caddie carries his clubs during the final round of the CIMB Asia Pacific Classic in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday.

2. A blizzard began to pelt Ali Prefecture in the western part of Tibet on Sunday, dumping up to one meter of snow on the ground.

3. A downpour began to pelt the county at about 3 am Tuesday, bringing up to 260 millimeters of rainfall and triggered the landslide.

4. pelt

4. Van Pelt also missed his par putt, and they walked away from that mess still tied for the lead.

5. pelt

5. That's when Van Pelt answered with unforced errors of his own.

6. Angry protestors opened fire and pelt stones at the riot police, leaving several cops injured.

7. pelt

7. " I love somebody who can fight through the tears and still deliver, " judge Jennifer Lopez told a weepy Van Pelt.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Weather forecasts show heavy rains are expected to pelt areas in the northeastern Jilin Province from Wednesday to Friday.

9. pelt

9. Hesitating to pelt the rat for fear of smashing the dishes can only result in the rat becoming even more audacious.

10. A few doors down, a man plaits bits of pelt into a furry accessory.

pelt 英英释义



1. body covering of a living animal

    Synonym: hide skin

2. pelt的反义词

2. the dressed hairy coat of a mammal

    Synonym: fur


1. attack and bombard with or as if with missiles

    e.g. pelt the speaker with questions

    Synonym: pepper

2. pelt的反义词

2. cast, hurl, or throw repeatedly with some missile

    e.g. They pelted each other with snowballs

    Synonym: bombard

3. rain heavily

    e.g. Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!

    Synonym: pour stream rain cats and dogs rain buckets