
perception [pəˈsepʃn]  [pərˈsepʃn] 


perception 基本解释

名词知觉; 观念; 觉察(力); (农作物的)收获

perception 相关例句



1. His perception of the change came in a flash.

2. My perception of the problem is quite different.

3. She is a woman of keen perception.

perception 网络解释


1. 观察:另一方面,也有人(如哲学家Colin McGinn[4])认為:科学方法皆基於对外的观察(perception),而心灵只有内省(introspection)才能查觉,两者之间有不可跨越的鸿沟.

perception 词典解释

1. 理解;看法;认识
    Your perception of something is the way that you think about it or the impression you have of it.

    e.g. He is interested in how our perceptions of death affect the way we live.
    e.g. ...their perception of foreigners.

2. 洞察力;认识能力;悟性
    Someone who has perception realizes or notices things that are not obvious.

    e.g. It did not require a great deal of perception to realise the interview was over.

3. (尤指视觉上的)感觉,感知
    Perception is the recognition of things using your senses, especially the sense of sight.

perception 单语例句

1. But such a cancerous consequence has an immediate impact on housing prices and public perception of the problem.

2. This perception gap could be a lot narrower if we talked and listened to each other more candidly and frequently.

3. This perception has attracted huge capital from different domestic industries, which completely distorted its structure and development pattern.

4. perception

4. The show questions new technology and how it changes people's perception and cognition, much like the shift from painting to photography a century ago.

5. While an independent chairperson who does not share a nationality with either of the parties further ensures the perception of impartiality.

6. The root of this prejudice is the West's distorted perception of the socialist system, which deems China a threat and challenger to the West.

7. Jack Lau, chairman and chief executive officer of Perception Digital Group.

8. perception

8. It changed public perception of Cantonese language films and became a landmark film of Hong Kong cinematic history.

9. They cite the government's failure to control sky rocketing land prices, and their perception that the government caters to property developers.

10. perception什么意思

10. Duncan and some other foreign business people who have been working closely with their Chinese partners and clients have a rather different perception.

perception 英英释义



1. becoming aware of something via the senses

    Synonym: sensing

2. the process of perceiving

3. knowledge gained by perceiving

    e.g. a man admired for the depth of his perception

4. a way of conceiving something

    e.g. Luther had a new perception of the Bible

5. the representation of what is perceived
    basic component in the formation of a concept

    Synonym: percept perceptual experience