
perjury [ˈpɜ:dʒəri]  [ˈpɜ:rdʒəri] 


perjury 基本解释


perjury 网络解释

1. 伪证:州政府过后同时采取两项行动,第一是向法庭申请暂缓执行赔偿庭令,第二以4大理由(伪造文书(forgery)、欺骗(Fraud)、伪证(Perjury)及利益冲突(Conflict of Interest))入禀关丹高庭,申请撤销关丹高庭於2007年5月25日,宣判州政府违约的判决.

2. 伪证,假誓,伪证罪:perjurious发假誓的,作伪证的 | perjury伪证,假誓,伪证罪 | plaintiff原告

3. 伪证 伪证:per dim 按日津贴 按日津贴 | perjury 伪证 伪证 | perpetrator 作案者,肇事者 作案者,肇事者

4. 作假证供:period of stay in Hong Kong 居港期间 | perjury 作假证供 | permanent residence in Hong Kong 在香港永久居住

perjury 词典解释

1. 伪证;伪证罪
    If someone who is giving evidence in a court of law commits perjury, they lie.

    e.g. This witness has committed perjury and no reliance can be placed on her evidence.
    e.g. ...charges of perjury.

perjury 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Bonds is accused of lying in that testimony, and is charged with four counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice.

2. Libby faces a maximum of 25 years in prison for obstructing the Plame leak probe, perjury before a grand jury and making false statements to the FBI.

3. A National People's Congress representative confirmed last week that a special perjury charge for lawyers in the Criminal Law will likely be removed.

4. The dropped perjury count dealt with Bonds telling a 2003 grand jury investigating steroids that he had never taken " anything " from his trainer before 2003.

5. perjury什么意思

5. A recent trial of a famous lawyer who was accused of perjury in Chongqing's crackdown of gangs exemplified how a report can affect public opinions.

6. Nel had been charged with perjury, fraud and " defeating the ends of justice ".

7. perjury的解释

7. A grand jury charged Libby on Friday with five felonies alleging obstruction of justice, perjury to a grand jury and making false statements to FBI agents.

8. Sentencing was postponed after Sampson was indicted on the perjury and false claim charges in January.

9. perjury的解释

9. Prosecutors say evidence proves that he did use drugs and they charged him with perjury, false statement and obstruction of Congress.

10. perjury是什么意思

10. Wu was sentenced to one year in jail in September last year by the Taipei District Court in the first trial of her perjury case.

perjury 英英释义


1. criminal offense of making false statements under oath

    Synonym: bearing false witness lying under oath