perk up

perk up [pɜ:k ʌp]  [pək ʌp] 

perk up 基本解释

名词额外津贴,附带福利,外快; (使)活跃; (重新)活跃起来; 使更有趣; (使)增值

perk up 网络解释


1. 活跃起来;振作精神:Chill: 冷却 | Simmer: 小火慢煮;心中充满 | Perk up: 活跃起来;振作精神

2. 活躍起來:12. click 發出卡嗒聲,似乎上了發條或按了開關 | 14. perk up 活躍起來 | 17. trash bin 垃圾箱

3. 振作:Tone up 增加 | Perk up 振作 | Bear out (被)证实

4. (重新)活跃起来, 振作精神:22. She's right as rain in that way. 她就是那样. | 23. perk up (重新)活跃起来, 振作精神 | 24. Swing. stick. loop.蜘蛛结网的三个动词.

perk up 词典解释
perk up的反义词

1. (使)振奋;(使)活跃;(使)快活
    If something perks you up or if you perk up, you become cheerful and lively, after feeling tired, bored, or depressed.

    e.g. He perks up and jokes with them.
    e.g. ...suggestions to make you smile and perk you up.

2. 使更有趣
    If you perk something up, you make it more interesting.

    e.g. To make the bland taste more interesting, the locals began perking it up with local produce...
    e.g. Psychological twists perk up an otherwise predictable story line.

3. (使)增加;(使)上涨;(使)增值
    If sales, prices, or economies perk up, or if something perks them up, they begin to increase or improve.

    e.g. House prices could perk up during the autumn...
    e.g. Anything that could save the company money and perk up its cash flow was examined.

perk up 单语例句

1. When Chinese students and parents hear that I went to a certain American university, they perk up with interest.

2. A stolen afternoon indulging in high tea can perk up your week.

3. Pick up a baguette or a couple of dinner rolls, indulge in some real butter and even the most jaded appetite will perk up.

4. perk up的解释

4. Indeed, the directors and their animation team really seem to perk up during these bravado sequences.

perk up 英英释义

perk up的近义词


1. cause to be alert and energetic

    e.g. Coffee and tea stimulate me
           This herbal infusion doesn't stimulate

    Synonym: stimulate arouse brace energize energise

2. gain or regain energy

    e.g. I picked up after a nap

    Synonym: perk percolate pick up gain vigor