1. 烫发:一般说来,节略词多限于非正式场合,尤其在日常生活中, 经常使用的词被节略的机会最多. Clipped words和原词一样有语法形态的变化,一个名词可以与冠词连用,也可以有复数形式. 例如, 烫发(permanent wave)的节略词perm可以有现在分词
2. 电烫:分发 part hair | 电烫 permanent wave | 点烫药水 setting lotion
3. 稳定波:permanent set 残余形变 | permanent wave 稳定波 | permeability 渗透性
4. 永久性波紋:3. Texture Wave 質感波紋 | 4. Permanent Wave 永久性波紋 | 5. Pin Perm 髮夾電髮
1. It is one of the more notable developments in hairdressing since the permanent wave.
1. a series of waves in the hair made by applying heat and chemicals