permissive waste

permissive waste [pəˈmɪsɪv weist]  [pɚˈmɪsɪv west] 

permissive waste 基本解释


permissive waste 网络解释

permissive waste的近义词

1. 通常损耗:permissive underreach distance protection system ==> 允许式欠范围距离保护系统 | permissive waste ==> 通常损耗 | permissive-wage adjustment ==> 容许调整工资制

permissive waste 双语例句

1. Famous cast a Magensidanli to say, if calculate, go up the 19 billion dollar that enterprise interior develops with Yukaiyuan, so the whole market dimensions of software opening a source will amount to 41 billion dollar, of course premise is an enterprise not was capital waste above the permissive cost of copyright software.

permissive waste 英英释义

permissive waste


1. (law) reduction in the value of an estate caused by act or neglect

    Synonym: waste