
perron ['perən]  ['perən] 


perron 基本解释


perron 网络解释

1. 门阶:perquisiteprequisite 额外补贴 | perquisition 彻底搜查 | perron 门阶

2. 室外楼梯 室外台阶:perrectum 经由直肠 经由直肠 经直肠 经直肠 | perron 室外楼梯 室外台阶 | perry 梨酒雨

3. 升降口,石阶:第二种永久发动机 perpetual mobile of the second kind | 永恒运动 perpetual motion | 升降口,石阶 perron

4. 台阶:23. moron <口>傻子 | 24. perron 台阶 | 25. create the mess 制造麻烦

perron 单语例句

1. " This is the reason why this discovery packs extra punch, " Perron said.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Perron and his colleagues aren't certain what caused the toppling of the planet, but they think forces beneath the surface are to blame.