1. 迫害、烦扰:premise 前提;提论、假定;作出前提 | persecution 迫害、烦扰 | presentation 介绍、陈述、赠送
2. 逼迫:Pentecost 五旬节 Wuxunjie | Persecution 逼迫 bipo | Personification* 拟人化 nirenhua
3. 迫害, 烦扰:to flee 逃跑 | persecution 迫害, 烦扰 | native 出生地的
1. (尤指因宗教、政治信仰或种族而受到的)迫害
Persecution is cruel and unfair treatment of a person or group, especially because of their religious or political beliefs, or their race.
e.g. ...the persecution of minorities.
e.g. ...victims of political persecution...
1. persecution的解释
1. But survivors have been pressing for direct access, unsatisfied with the formalistic and partial answers to questions about the persecution they suffered.
2. Another important mission set by them is to protect reporters, especially those who are in persecution.
3. Mujahid denied he was a terrorist and said he was arrested because of political motivations, financial extortion and religious persecution.
4. Their parents and grandparents had lived through wars and famine and even suffered political persecution.
5. Church officials have denied that any children were abused at the ranch and say the state's actions are a form of religious persecution.
6. My prayer is that all persecution will end so that all in China are free to gather and worship as they wish.
7. persecution的意思
7. The Bauhaus was founded by renowned German architect Walter Gropius in Weimar in April 1919, but suffered political persecution from the rightists.
8. Gibson should read about Jewish persecution and the Holocaust and " visit sites where it occurred, " Hier added by telephone from Israel.
9. A detailed amendment is needed to book those found leaking information that exposes whistleblowers to official persecution.
10. The archive had been used exclusively to trace missing persons, reunite families and provide documentation to victims of Nazi persecution to support compensation claims.
1. the act of persecuting (especially on the basis of race or religion)