
persimmon [pəˈsɪmən]  [pərˈsɪmən] 


persimmon 基本解释


persimmon 网络解释

1. 柿子:新鲜或乾制的芒果黄梨(yellow peach) 杏子(apricot) 柿子(persimmon) 哈密瓜油桃(nectarine). 钾丰富的水果:. 杏子梨子芒果哈密瓜柑橘葡萄汁香蕉葡萄香瓜 ...监测生鲜蔬果样品:罗马甜瓜(Cantaloupe)、莴苣(Leaf and Romaine.

2. 柿:石榴(gua) 蓝莓(Blueberry) 黑莓(blackberry) 番樱桃 无花果(fig) 穗醋栗 树番茄 蓝靛果 费约果 蔓越橘 人心果 山葡萄 乌饭树 牛迭肚子版块:柚 柠檬(lemon) 枳 黄皮 柑 葡萄柚 香橼 桔 香肉果 橙子版块:枣(jujube) 柿(Persimmon)

3. 日本柿子:pour into 注入~里面 | persimmon 日本柿子 | pulled sugar 拉糖

4. 柿树:樱桃树 cherry | 柿树persimmon | 无花果树fig

persimmon 词典解释

1. 柿子
    A persimmon is a soft, orange fruit that looks rather like a large tomato. Persimmons grow on trees in hot countries.

persimmon 单语例句

1. Most Chinese hold it's poisonous to eat crab and persimmon in one sitting, while many in Western countries say the same of citrus and shrimp.

2. Construction workers swept aside a tennis court and some persimmon trees to clear way for the work.

3. Growers in the county use a traditional manual method for peeling, hanging and drying the fruit to to make creamy and sweet dried persimmon.

4. Derelict roads have been rebuilt and persimmon trees and other vegetation kept.

5. Player said Nicklaus and other contemporaries dealt with spiked up greens, persimmon drivers and relatively dead balls.

6. persimmon

6. The persimmon season is at its peak in the capital and there's no better time to appreciate one of East Asia's finest native fruits.

7. persimmon

7. It is not necessarily easy to explain the appeal of a persimmon to somebody who has never seen one.

8. He had wrapped something special in his package - two persimmon saplings.

persimmon 英英释义



1. orange fruit resembling a plum
    edible when fully ripe

2. any of several tropical trees of the genus Diospyros

    Synonym: persimmon tree