
persistent [pəˈsɪstənt]  [pərˈsɪstənt] 

persistent 基本解释

形容词持续的; 持久的; 坚持不懈的; 坚持不渝

persistent 网络解释

1. 永续性:将视窗位置资讯储存在一个私用的.ini 档案,以便记住永续性 (Persistent) 视窗配置. 闲置回圈 (Loop) 处理. [档案] 功能表提供标准命令 [新增]、[开启]、[关闭]、[储存]、[另存新档]、[列印]、[预览列印]、[列印设定]、最近使用的 (MRU) 档案清单和 [结束].

2. 持续的:因为初始化后,servlet可以读取任何持续的(persistent)组态资料(configuration data),也可以初始化代价昂贵的资源(如JDBC的连线)以及执行任何其他一次就够的动作(one-time activities).

3. 持久的:其定义如下k是良构的(well-formed)且期待类型为τ 的值动态语义:应用栈展开(stack unwinding)技术动态语义:应用栈展开(stack unwinding)技术具体(reified)控制栈:将一个控制栈表示为一个普通的值,称为将控制栈处理为持久的(persistent)数据结构(如保存在

4. 持续:这些 RDBMS 的连接是公用 (pooled)、持续 (persistent) 的,由不用的执行绪分享. 这容许很快的连结和有效运用资源. 你也可使用 python 的方法 (method) 在读入 dbf 档及载入到 postgres 资料库.

persistent 词典解释

1. persistent在线翻译

1. (尤指不好或不受欢迎的状态或情况)持续存在的,继续发生的
    Something that is persistent continues to exist or happen for a long time; used especially about bad or undesirable states or situations.

    e.g. Her position as national leader has been weakened by persistent fears of another coup attempt...
    e.g. His cough grew more persistent until it never stopped...

2. 执著的;不屈不挠的;锲而不舍的
    Someone who is persistent continues trying to do something, even though it is difficult or other people are against it.

    e.g. ...a persistent critic of the government's transport policies...
    e.g. He phoned again this morning. He's very persistent.

persistent 单语例句

1. The strengthening comes amid persistent calls for China to act to cut its massive trade surpluses.

2. But they added that it's important to pay attention if the children don't catch up, because persistent language deficits have been tied to mental health problems.

3. persistent什么意思

3. While many state governments have shown bipartisan interest in curbing prison growth, there also are persistent calls to proceed cautiously.

4. The grain planting situation this summer is challenging as persistent cold weather since last winter has ravaged major production zones in the north.

5. Liu hoped that the honored units would cherish the awards, make persistent efforts and encourage more female soldiers to participate in their activities.


6. She told a persistent reporter on Sunday to " shove it " when he urged her to expand on her call for more civility in politics.

7. persistent的翻译

7. The center suggested residents do more physical exercise amid the persistent cloudy and showery weather to prevent colds and other illness.

8. And industry analysts say the persistent drought would also threaten coffee bean output in the next three years as well.

9. persistent

9. My work provides a new and coherent approach to macroeconomics that explains how a lack of confidence can lead to persistent unemployment.

10. When the area was warm and relaxed, deep persistent techniques were applied to specific points to dredge cold and damp.