
persons ['pɜ:snz]  ['pɜ:snz] 



第三人称复数:people; persons

persons 基本解释
人( person的名词复数 );人称;
persons 网络解释

1. 人物:上百万吨钢材,上百万个发夹以及汽车,电视,机器和各种现代经济中的必需品.不仅公司可以营销商品,由于互联网的出现,个人也可以营销商品.(2)服务(service)(3) 时间(events)、(4)体验(experiences(5)人物(persons(6)地点(places

2. 范围内的人:*concern to the High Commissioner, 由高级专员负责的人;高级专员职权 | persons 范围内的人 | *concerned 关切

3. 二人份:2 Persons 二人份 | Preparation time: 准备时间 25 min | Cooking time:烹饪时间: 25 min

4. 人们:personnel /职员/人员/人事部门/人事/ | persons /人们/ | persorption /吸混/

persons 单语例句

1. Then he was booed for an hour by the audience at an American Association of Retired Persons conference.

2. The Rangers officials also claimed to have recovered large cache of arms from the arrested persons and from a bus in the cantonment area.

3. The rapper's family filed a missing persons report when he left the house Tuesday in his Cadillac Escalade.

4. persons的意思

4. Canada also added new individuals and entities to the list of designated persons under sanctions, and remove certain entities that no longer present a proliferation concern.


5. They are expected to expand the coverage of the border inspection convenience cards within the year to business persons of the two countries.

6. The casualty could be more as one witness said that he saw three persons jumped from windows of the building and died instantly.

7. The cavern is deep and spacious, capable of taking in 100 persons.

8. Finding money to run the project center is a big question for Ma Jun, director of the Deyang Disabled Persons'Federation.

9. The center's mission is to provide training and job opportunities in different fields for disabled persons after they complete 12 years of free education.

10. The notion of a custodian comes from the country's civil law, which governs civil legal relations among equal persons.