
pertain [pəˈteɪn]  [pərˈteɪn] 






pertain 基本解释


不及物动词适合; 关于,有关; 附属,从属

pertain 相关例句



1. His remark did not pertain to the question.

2. Her conduct hardly pertains to a lady.

3. This lesson pertains to marine animals.

4. We own the house and the land pertaining to it.

pertain 网络解释

1. 属於,适於:persuade 说服,使相信 | pertain 属於,适於 | pertinacious 执拗,固执的

2. 相关:detain 拘留 | pertain 相关 | contain 包含,包括

3. 相关、贴切:detain 拘留 | pertain 相关、贴切 | retain 保留

4. 相关,从属:attain 获得 | pertain 相关,从属 | maintain 坚持,维持

pertain 词典解释

1. 与…相关;属于;适用(于)
    If one thing pertains to another, it relates, belongs, or applies to it.

    e.g. The restrictions he imposed pertained to the type and height of buildings and the activities for which they could be used...
    e.g. I would much rather that you asked Mrs Zuckerman any questions pertaining to herself.

pertain 单语例句


1. The best researched health benefits pertain to improved digestive health, especially prevention and relief from constipation.

2. The remaining 20 percent pertain to local governments approving land use against the law.

3. " Sinochem has not yet clarified the terms and conditions that pertain to the revised price, " Nufarm said in the statement.

4. The new law combines two existing laws that pertain to exiting and entering the country and to foreigners.

5. The new version is expected to pertain to $ 100 billion worth of procurement contracts from the organization's 42 member countries.

6. The resolution's weapons embargo does not pertain to Sudan's government forces, which Washington says are aiding the Janjaweed.

pertain 英英释义


1. be a part or attribute of

    Synonym: appertain

2. be relevant to

    e.g. There were lots of questions referring to her talk
           My remark pertained to your earlier comments

    Synonym: refer relate concern come to bear on touch touch on have-to doe with