
pettifogger ['petɪˌfɒgə]  ['petɪˌfɒgə] 

pettifogger 基本解释



pettifogger 网络解释

1. 讼棍:pettifog 挑剔 | pettifogger 讼棍 | pettifoggery 欺瞒

2. 骗人的律师:pettifog 讲歪理 | pettifogger 骗人的律师 | pettifoggerpettifoggingshyster 讼棍

3. 讼棍,骗人的律师:prigger 自以为别人更有道德的人 | pettifogger讼棍,骗人的律师 | logger伐木工人,锯木工

4. 讼棍, 骗人的律师 (名):pettifog 做讼棍, 挑剔, 讲歪理 (动) | pettifogger 讼棍, 骗人的律师 (名) | pettifoggery 讼棍的手段; 欺瞒 (名)

pettifogger 双语例句


1. In China's traditional legal history, have presented the legal pettifogger similar to lawyer really belong to the Chinese result, is influencing the modern lawyer's system to a great extent.

2. Objectivity; pettifogger; no suit; lawsuit; lawyer

3. The lawyer which are the offspring of legal pettifogger have different fate and trade, but we still should try to advance their status by institutional method.

4. Chinese lawyer (including ancient legal pettifogger) is defined unclearly among bureaucrat, intellectual and businessperson;

5. This article made a brief introduction of legal pettifogger at first, including the name, the origin, workplaces, the region and the background.


6. The legal pettifogger system is a key point in Chinese traditional culture, but the academic paid less attention and the material which is known is limited.

7. They were the so-called " legal pettifoggers ". Legal pettifogger is so old a profession in China that it has a history of 2000 years.

8. They were the so-called " legal pettifoggers ". Legal pettifogger is so old a profession in China that it has a history of 2000 years.

pettifogger 英英释义


1. a disputant who quibbles
    someone who raises annoying petty objections

    Synonym: quibbler caviller caviler

2. a person (especially a lawyer or politician) who uses unscrupulous or unethical methods

    Synonym: shyster