
phalanx [ˈfælæŋks]  [ˈfeˌlæŋks, ˈfælˌæŋks] 

第三人称复数:phalanges; phalanxes

phalanx 基本解释

名词方阵; 趾骨; 密集队; 密集人群

phalanx 网络解释


1. 雄蕊束:雄蕊常常聚集成束,故称之为雄蕊束(phalanx). 如葫芦科,形成单束时称为单体雄蕊(monadelphous又如豆科形成二束时称为二体雄蕊(diadelphous而小连翘形成三束,则称为三体雄蕊(triadelphous).

2. 步兵:重步兵(Phalanx)在台湾译作百夫长,生命力120,攻击力20,很是厉害,常常几下就把敌人放倒在脚下. 是帝国后半段历史中相当重要的兵种. 只是可惜速度实在是慢,可能是身上的盔甲太重了吧. 我一般用他们来保护一些重要而又脆弱的军事目标,

3. 希腊方阵:基本上瑞士人是以希腊方阵(phalanx)的方式配置他们的长矛兵. 前四列的士兵水平持矛以构成难以穿越的矛篱,第五列以后的士兵垂直持矛,随时准备填补缺口. 由於长度的关系,前四列每列的持矛方式都不同. 最前列的士兵跪坐,将矛保持在低处,

phalanx 词典解释


1. 方阵
    A phalanx is a group of soldiers or police who are standing or marching close together ready to fight.

2. 密集的人群
    A phalanx of people is a large group who are brought together for a particular purpose.

    e.g. ...a phalanx of waiters.

phalanx 单语例句

1. Dozens of helicopters streamed toward the Euphrates towns in a phalanx, seen by an Associated Press reporter.

2. From afar, the ghostly warships recall a fierce phalanx ready for battle.

3. The cadets'phalanx was made up of naval cadets from the Dalian Naval Surface Warship Academy.

4. phalanx的反义词

4. The militia are considered the reserves of the country's military forces and there is usually a phalanx of them in the parade.

5. phalanx

5. Kucinich shrugs off the tiny war chest, saying he doesn't need " a phalanx " of consultants telling him what to think.

6. phalanx的解释

6. A column of Navy sailors and Marines greeted the two presidents, who walked to face a phalanx of reporters.

phalanx 英英释义



1. any of the bones of the fingers or toes

2. a body of troops in close array

3. any closely ranked crowd of people