






phones 基本解释
participating hybrid option note exchangeable securities 持有人有权分享利益的混合选择性可兑换的有价证券;电话( phone的名词复数 );电话听筒;工具;说某种语言的;
phones 网络解释


1. 耳机:带耳机(PhoneS)监控输出,并有专门的FADER来控制信号大小,使操作更加方便自带48V话筒供电,可以与各种类型话筒匹配 外置式电源和话筒噪音滤波器(80Hz),有效的抑制可话筒录音或处理过程中产生的噪音和失真(MICnoise129dBu,

2. 耳机插口:前置输出(PRE OUT)端子、耳机插口(PHONES)及扬声器(SPEAKER)端子的静音. 前置输出(PRE OUT)端子、耳机插口(PHONES)和扬声器(SPEAKER)端子包含静音电路. 因此,当开启电源无论电源开关是否处于候用(STANDBY)状态,设备依然连接在交流电压上.

3. 电话:phone 有线广播送受话器 | phones 电话 | PHONETEX 话传电传

4. 三部电话:Racecar赛车 | 3 Phones三部电话 | Tortoise乌龟

phones 单语例句

1. The men told a magistrate Saturday that they were buying the phones for resale.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. It seems that Chinese consumers are crazy about mobile phones, with over 100 million buying new devices every year.

3. phones什么意思

3. Over 100 Hohhot college students have been duped in recent days into buying fake mobile phones.

4. That means nearly all Hong Kong people can be reached by the cell phones today.

5. Both professors and students disturbed by ringing phones and conversations in classes and libraries are in favour of the new regulations.

6. Attempts to reach Dang by telephone to verify the army's account were unsuccessful because phones there were not working.

7. Better not show any surprise when seeing some teenager or even younger children chatting or sending short messages with their cell phones on campus.

8. Canon is one of a growing number of firms starting to advertise via new media, especially mobile phones.

9. Rare earths are crucial in advanced manufacturing such as computer disk drives, mobile phones and hybrid car components.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Guests also have access to the latest technological conveniences, including portable GSM phones with dual SIM card slots and citywide coverage.