
physiognomy [ˌfɪziˈɒnəmi]  [ˌfɪziˈɑ:nəmi] 


physiognomy 基本解释


名词人相学; 脸; 相面术

physiognomy 网络解释

1. 外貌:群落的外貌(physiognomy)是认识植物群落的基础,也是区分不同植被类型的主要标志,如森林、草原和荒漠等,首先就是根据外貌区别开来的. 而就森林而言,针叶林、夏绿阔叶林、常绿阔叶林和热带雨林等,也是根据外貌区别出来的.

2. 人相学:如对于个体自身的一种持续的概括性的关系那样记下其与社会世界的关系,担负个体身体的一种途径,将其表述给予他者,移动它,为它制造空间(连着三个都是现在进行式语态),也就了给予了身体它的社会人相学(physiognomy).

3. 群落外貌:1、存在度(presence)和恒有度(constancy)群落外貌(physiognomy)是指生物群落的外部形态或表相而言. 它是群落中生物与生物间,生物与环境相互作用的综合反映. 陆地生物群落的外貌主要取决于植被的特征,水生生物群落的外貌主要取决于水的深度和水流特征.

4. 形相:以下台湾中部山区随海拔递升的植群形相(physiognomy)变化之叙述,何者正确?15. 以下关於生物多样性(biodiversity)的叙述,何者不恰当16. 丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)於西伯利亚、中国东北、内蒙古、日本等地繁殖,在长江下游、江苏一带度冬.

physiognomy 词典解释

1. (尤指被认为能表露真实性格的)相貌,面相
    Your physiognomy is your face, especially when it is considered to show your real character.

    e.g. He was fascinated by her physiognomy — the prominent nose, brooding eyes and thick hair.

physiognomy 单语例句

1. The physiognomy of its landscape formed by Aeolian erosion offers sculptures that shame even the best manmade architectures.

2. So water continues to shape the physiognomy of Yellow Dragon Cave's rock and lore.

3. Basic structures and physiognomy units of the lunar surface will be defined precisely.

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4. One day on the street, Zhu happened to see some pulp books on Chinese physiognomy with illustrations.

5. Large infrastructure projects usually damage the physiognomy of places with fragile ecosystems.

6. Zhu was inspired and developed the physiognomy ideas in black and white like Haring's graffiti.

7. The special geology and physiognomy of Taishan blend with cultural and humanitarian creations.

physiognomy 英英释义



1. physiognomy的解释

1. the human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British)

    Synonym: countenance phiz visage kisser smiler mug