
physique [fɪˈzi:k]  [fɪˈzik] 


physique 基本解释

名词体格; 体形

physique 相关例句


1. He is magnificent in physique.

2. The physique of these boys is steadily improving.

physique 网络解释

1. 体格、体质:体格、体质 physique | 培训 groom | 余的,带零头的 odd

2. 体魄:Power 力量 | Physique 体魄 | Nimble 灵敏

physique 词典解释

1. physique的翻译

1. 体格;体形
    Someone's physique is the shape and size of their body.

    e.g. He has the physique and energy of a man half his age.
    e.g. of powerful physique.

physique 单语例句

1. physique什么意思

1. Take advantage of the season and calm your mind by reaching a deeper state of relaxation and awareness while shaping up your physique.

2. The " perfect physique " is judged by its closeness to the proportions of ancient Roman and Greek statues.

3. A foreigner hoping to learn Chinese is like a person with a flabby physique hoping to get in shape.

4. He resembled modern human beings in appearance, with fairly well developed intelligence and superior physique to Peking Man.

5. Imposing in physique and rough and tough in character, men of Harbin exude sexiness coupled with a tinge of cold arrogance and hot abandon.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. Often drinking it may strengthen bones, build up physique and lengthen life.

7. Vivian Hsu shows off her beautiful physique while lensing an ad recently for a lingerie brand.

8. The further devaluing of masculinity will make Chinese men pay less attention to masculine physique.

9. It is recorded in almost all historical Chinese medical books that medicated wine can treat diseases and enhance physique.

10. physique的意思

10. Football is a sport that requires wisdom based on culture and education, a strong physique and fine moral qualities.

physique 英英释义



1. constitution of the human body

    Synonym: build body-build habitus

2. physique的解释

2. alternative names for the body of a human being

    e.g. Leonardo studied the human body
           he has a strong physique
           the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

    Synonym: human body physical body material body soma build figure anatomy shape bod chassis frame form flesh