picket line

picket line [ˈpikit lain]  [ˈpɪkɪt laɪn] 

picket line的近义词

第三人称复数:picket lines

picket line 基本解释

名词纠察线; 警戒线; 哨兵线; 拴马索

picket line 相关例句


1. Don't cross the picket line!

picket line 网络解释

1. 纠察线:恢复工作后仅仅过了三个月,在持续不断的关于工资和工作环境的争论中--这导致学校在来年春天之前几乎一致处于关闭状态,教师们又组成了[工会组织的]罢工纠察线(picket line).

2. 警戒线:在一次法庭审理中,8名资方律师慷慨陈辞,要求法官紧止工会的罢工警戒线(picket line)阻碍非罢工人员进入公司. 代表工会的一名律师舌战群雄,终于让法官驳回资方的请求.

3. 哨兵线:picket fence 尖桩篱栅 | picket line 哨兵线 | picket 支柱

4. 警戒线,纠察线 警戒线,纠察线:petty theft 小偷 小偷 | picket line 警戒线,纠察线 警戒线,纠察线 | pistol 手枪 手枪

picket line 双语例句

1. In 1942, a strike picket line of the struggle, London and New York 米尔顿布鲁 Hendrix - jjicelee log...
    1942年,罢工纠察线上的斗争,米尔顿·布鲁克斯- jjicelee的日志。。。

2. It was another day on the picket line.

3. The protester, the first fatality of the stoppage, was knocked down by a van at a picket line outside the wholesale market in Granada, the Interior Ministry said.

4. Showrunner Carlton Cuse, who was out joining the writers on the picket line in Burbank, California, told Entertainment Weekly that it doesn't look good if the strike continues.
    迷失》的影迷已经宣称得到关于第四季消息,它将被安排在2月份,Carlton Cuse参加了这次罢工,它告诉,如果罢工继续那《迷失》的结果也不被看好。

5. The people working here tonight have no beef with the picket line.

6. Picket line - Super Toronto Network - Canada's first Chinese website | Toronto Life, News...

picket line的解释

7. False Piety It was another day on the picket line.

8. Picket line protest are the picket line - English McDonald's online English learning portal...
    picket line示威者的纠察线-英语麦当劳在线英语学习门户。。。

9. Bristol prison where more than 120 officers joined a picket line after serving breakfast to inmates.


10. Shanghai Jiang small D English online translation is free English online translation website to provide picket line What does it mean, picket line, translation, picket line, phonetic and pronunciation, picket line, the meaning and usage, and picket lines refer listen, resolve picket line meaning.

11. The miners are trying to get factory workers to join them on the picket line

12. He told me never to cross a picket line.

13. Did the world need me beating cops on that picket line?

14. The drivers won't cross the picket line.

15. The UMWA picket line is rapidly losing ground until they are joined by their wives, sisters, and daughters, who bring new hope and new tactics to the line.

16. Well that was plausible, but no one ever heard our pleas, they just went from one petty picket line to another unable to pinpoint an overall theme to our actions.

17. A Chinese picket line in front of a Japanese shop in chinatown, San francisco, to boycott Japanese commodities.

picket line是什么意思

18. That message was hard to find on the picket line at DriveTest this week.

picket line 词典解释

1. (罢工等时由纠察队员等组成的)纠察线
    A picket line is a group of pickets outside a place of work.

    e.g. The miners are trying to get factory workers to join them on the picket line...
    e.g. No one tried to cross the picket lines.

picket line 单语例句

1. The Writers Guild of America urged Huckabee not to cross their picket line after he flew out to California.

2. picket line的翻译

2. The Late Show With David Letterman and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, went into reruns after writers on both coasts headed for the picket line.

3. picket line的翻译

3. " But a picket line is a whole new problem, " he added.

4. Writers and actors from the show used their time on the picket line to make a video and post it on YouTube.

5. picket line

5. BBC television showed a picket line forming outside of one of the subway system's central London offices Tuesday evening.

picket line 英英释义


1. picket line什么意思

1. a line of people acting as pickets