
pie-eyed [ˈpaiˈaid]  [ˈpaɪˌaɪd] 

pie-eyed 基本解释


pie-eyed 网络解释


1. 喝醉了的:pie-dog 无主野狗 | pie-eyed 喝醉了的 | piebald 花斑的

2. 喝醉了的/不漂亮的/睁大眼睛的:pidgin /混杂语言/事务/ | pie-eyed /喝醉了的/不漂亮的/睁大眼睛的/ | piebald /黑白斑/骓/

pie-eyed 双语例句

1. I am customer service, I am pie-eyed, but still can pass of meaning go, can not give a company lose face.


2. Additional I the website of a lot of friends, although pie-eyed, and some is very ugly still, but brought money to them really however.


3. And my biggest setback move, not be oneself pie-eyed, always cannot find the sense that can make mom satisfactory however.

4. Remember suddenly pie-eyed, but one year development was achieved everyday the website of 40 much discharge, the domestic website of the mobile phone that is Gao Chunhui then.

pie-eyed 英英释义
