piece of paper

piece of paper

piece of paper 单语例句

1. It will take more than his signature on a piece of paper to repair the damage done by the past week.

2. Wang Jinyun had waited nine years for the piece of paper that officially confirmed his organization's NGO status.

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3. Using 1 piece of heavy paper cut to fit over mugs, cut out a star shape in center.

4. The district attorney said a piece of paper found in the mother's house also included the names of nine lawyers in the area.

5. Long uses pencils to draw a Miao girl holding straws on a piece of paper, which she claims will bring a significant harvest.

6. Maiden police said the man opened up the smoker and saw what he thought was a piece of driftwood wrapped in paper.

7. Lay a piece of parchment or wax paper in pan, then a piece of aluminum foil.

8. piece of paper是什么意思

8. They paste it on a piece of white paper and put a painted piece of paper on it.

9. Less draconian measures like those in Singapore make motorists buy a piece of paper that entitles them to own a car for 10 years.

10. piece of paper的翻译

10. Tea can go deep down to your soul or be as dull as a piece of white paper.