
piffle [ˈpɪfl]  [ˈpɪfəl] 






piffle 基本解释



piffle 网络解释

1. 做无聊事:PIF editor PIF编辑器 | piffle 做无聊事 | piffling 琐碎的

2. 做无聊事/讲废话/傻事/废话:piezotropy /压性/ | piffle /做无聊事/讲废话/傻事/废话/ | pigboat /潜水艇/

3. 做无聊事, 讲废话 (动):piezometer 压力计; 压强计 (名) | piffle 做无聊事, 讲废话 (动) | piffling 琐碎的, 不足道的 (形)

4. 忌廉巴夫:核桃挞WalnutsTarts | 忌廉巴夫Piffle | 椰子布甸coconut pudding

piffle 双语例句

1. He talks such a load of piffle.

2. Pat really does talk a lot of piffle sometimes.

3. The entire report was piffle from beginning to end.

4. Dozens of readers have called you a baby and a fool and are cross with you (and me) for wasting their time on such piffle.


5. People who know him are sure that it's absolute piffle.


6. People who know him are sure that it`s absolute piffle.

7. Of course on the grand scheme of things their relationship is nothing but piffle.

8. To this piffle the best retort is: grow up.

9. Although I did not know what matter had to let you such despair, but I real hoped do not make the piffle, like this could let these care about you the person was...

10. Although I did not know what matter had to let you such despair, but I real hoped do not make the piffle, like this could let these care about you the person was sad, sad, did not know?


11. Like this everybody cannot be again sad for me, everybody cannot for mine craziness, but worried I can make any piffle.

12. Hoped that I will not do these atypical piffle! Also hoped that can give more person one to remonstrate, refuels! Cheers for each person!

piffle 词典解释

1. piffle

1. 废话;胡扯
    If you describe what someone says as piffle, you think that it is nonsense.

    e.g. He talks such a load of piffle.

piffle 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. trivial nonsense

    Synonym: balderdash fiddle-faddle


1. act in a trivial or ineffective way

2. speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly

    Synonym: chatter palaver prate tittle-tattle twaddle clack maunder prattle blab gibber tattle blabber gabble