pig farm

pig farm [piɡ fɑ:m]  [pɪɡ fɑrm] 

pig farm 基本解释
pig farm 网络解释

pig farm是什么意思

1. 猪圈 需求:无 生产:动物皮革:Monastery brewery修道院酿酒场 需求:香草+小麦 生产:啤酒 Beer | Pig farm 猪圈 需求:无 生产:动物皮革 Animal | Apiary养蜂房 需求:本岛可养蜜蜂 生产:蜂蜡 Beeswax

2. 养猪场:half-open shed 半开放式棚 | pig farm 养猪场 | farrowing house 猪产房

3. 养猪场,需要粮食和水:Grain Farm:种植庄稼. | Pig Farm:养猪场,需要粮食和水. | Grain Mill:磨房.

4. 猪场,养猪场:pig copper ==> 粗铜锭,生铜 | pig farm ==> 猪场,养猪场 | pig house ==> 猪舍

pig farm 单语例句

1. pig farm的解释

1. Company spokeswoman Jamie Miller said the giant cupcake will go to a pig farm.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. The police received a distress call from the village during a major rainstorm recently, reporting six people and 410 pigs stuck in the local pig farm.

3. pig farm的反义词

3. The man worked at Samsung Electronics'semiconductor unit and more recently at a pig farm and defected by walking across the heavily mined border.

4. pig farm的解释

4. The company plans to support the energy needs of more than 300 households once the larger pig farm is fully operational.

5. pig farm的反义词

5. Built on a vacated pig farm, the factory covers more than 400 square metres.

6. But the owners of the pig farm alerted police when they heard the two men knocking a hole in the wall with hammers.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. About half the households whose land use rights have been leased to the pig farm have at least one family member working for the company.

8. Tan Guoqing decided to leave the mining industry in 2007 and move back home to start a pig farm.

9. The man crashed his electric bike into a ditch before crawling to a nearby pig farm and falling asleep.

10. A pig at a farm in eastern Ukraine agreed to nurse the three little tigers together with a dozen of its own piglets.

pig farm 英英释义


1. pig farm的意思

1. a farm where pigs are raised or kept

    Synonym: piggery