pig out

pig out [piɡ aut]  [pɪɡ aʊt] 

pig out 基本解释
pig out 网络解释

1. 狼吞虎咽:Don;t knock it! You won't be able to find another job that pays so well. 别挑剔了!你未必可以... | 50. pig out - 狼吞虎咽 | We pigged out on potato chips and cookies until our bellies ached. 我们大吃薯条...

2. 狼吞虎回地吃:80.Can 洗手间 | 81.Pig out 狼吞虎回地吃 | 82.Pie in the sky 空想的计划

3. 大吃大喝:91.Doggy bag.打包. | 92.Pig out.大吃大喝. | 93....have...for a change.吃......换换口味吧.

pig out 单语例句

1. I eat healthy and sometimes I pig out, but I exercise regularly.

2. Pig entrails were placed in a vessel on the top pf this column when sacrifices were carried out.

3. Wang Yixiang found his pig had fallen into the septic tank and jumped in to pull the pig out.

4. Despite having barely known anything about the " river pig " previously, Zhu and Zheng set out to become experts.

5. pig out的近义词

5. It turned out to be a pig, which was observing me from a nearby sty.

6. pig out

6. Although Wan wanted to get the pig out the next day, he was told to evacuate to safety immediately.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. Chrystal McEntee fought for the change after being ticketed when their pet pig got out of the yard.

8. Jia then immediately went out of the bathroom to rescue the little pig.

9. At least, we figured out " porR " must mean meat from pig.

10. The brunette insists she sticks to a strict exercise and eating plan but likes to pig out every month on her favourite sweet treats.

pig out 英英释义


1. overeat or eat immodestly
    make a pig of oneself

    e.g. She stuffed herself at the dinner
           The kids binged on ice cream

    Synonym: gorge ingurgitate overindulge glut englut stuff engorge overgorge overeat gormandize gormandise gourmandize binge satiate scarf out