
pimp [pɪmp]  [pɪmp] 






pimp 基本解释

名词男妓,皮条客; 妓院老板; 引人作坏事的人

不及物动词拉皮条; 帮助干坏事

pimp 网络解释


1. 皮条客:尽是青春疙瘩,洋文叫做pimple的,而又和皮条客(pimp)的读音相差仿佛,是以我一直甚是鄙薄于他,

2. 皮条:对自己拉皮条(pimp)的本事还是很有信心的,也许我还能给loli白和她迷恋的肖水带来同样的惊喜. 在白豹豹消失的日子里,我可以自恋了. 那是力比多(libido)投射的另一个方向,也是我能够孤独终老的理由. 我翻出了几年前写的诗歌:

3. 恶棍:weird 怪的 | pimp 恶棍. | the other day 前几天

4. <美俚>男妓, 皮条客 拉皮条:rapid scan spectroscopy 快速扫描谱学 | pimp <美俚>男妓, 皮条客 拉皮条 | directional pulse modulation 定向脉冲调制

pimp 词典解释

1. 拉皮条的男子;为妓女拉客的男子
    A pimp is a man who gets clients for prostitutes and takes a large part of the money the prostitutes earn.

2. 拉皮条;(为妓女)拉客
    Someone who pimps gets clients for prostitutes and takes a large part of the money the prostitutes earn.

    e.g. He stole, lied, deceived and pimped his way out of poverty.

...corruption, pimping and prostitution.
pimp 单语例句

1. pimp的翻译

1. Part of the sales act was to pimp her daughter as a sprightly rose.

2. A security guard at the unnamed hotel confronted Gao after a guest complained about being pestered by a pimp at the entrance on November 24.

3. It is not just the music world that has embraced pimp chic with such fervour.

4. That pimp or even the detective would be a better bet if she's looking for the thrill of risks.

5. The proposals would make it illegal to pay for sex with a prostitute who is controlled by a pimp or trafficker.

6. Dr Gillis is particularly concerned about the way in which pimp chic is now being marketed to children.

pimp 英英释义



1. pimp的解释

1. someone who procures customers for whores (in England they call a pimp a ponce)

    Synonym: procurer panderer pander pandar fancy man ponce


1. arrange for sexual partners for others

    Synonym: pander procure