
pin [pɪn]  [pɪn] 


第三人称复数:pins; PINs





pin 基本解释


名词钉; 别针,扣针,饰针; 大头针; 没价值的东西

及物动词压住; (用钉等)钉住,钉住,别住,扣住; 用障壁等)围住,关住(俚语)抓住; [军]牵制

形容词销的; 针的; 钉的; 大头针的

pin 相关词组


1. pin down : 使受约束, 把...别住(或钉牢), 阻止, 压制, 使明确说明, 证实;

2. pull the pin : 拆开, 离职, 抛弃家属, 抛弃朋友;

3. pin sb. to : 把某人压在...上使之动弹不得;

4. not worth a pin : 毫无价值;

5. keep in the pin : vt. 停止;

6. not care a pin : 毫不在乎;

7. pin up : 钉住;

pin 相关例句



1. He was pinned by the cops for the hold up.

2. He was pinned under the wrecked car.

3. In the accident he was pinned under the car.

1. One could hear a pin drop.


1. A safety pin has a metal covering over the pointed end.

2. That watch isn't worth a pin.

pin 情景对话


A:What kind of permanent would you like to have?

B:What kinds do you have?

A:Oh, we have quite a varity:regular, cold perm, straight perm, pin curl and foam.

B:Last time I tried a pin curl perm and a foam permanent. Set the wave a little looser than usual, please.

pin 网络解释

1. 销:先说雕刻机底板,要做得比较长,以刀(bit)为中心两端等距离各加一个销(pin),也可以不等距离,计算更复杂.

2. 大头针:到屋子后部注意到对讲机(intercom)和布告板(notice board).去布告板那里拿到大头针(pin)小钥匙(small key),并阅读所有的海报尤其是Follies 1918和时间表(schedule).

3. pin:pain-inhibitory neurons; 痛抑制神经元

4. pin:position indicator; 位置指示器

5. pin:personal idertifieation number; 个人识别码

6. pin:private identification number; 个人辨认密码

pin 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 别针;大头针
    Pins are very small thin pointed pieces of metal. They are used in sewing to fasten pieces of material together until they have been sewn.

    e.g. ...needles and pins...
    e.g. Use pins to keep the braid in place as you work.

2. (用别针等)别住;(用图钉等)钉住
    If you pin something on or to something, you attach it with a pin, a drawing pin, or a safety pin.

    e.g. They pinned a notice to the door...
    e.g. Everyone was supposed to dance with the bride and pin money on her dress...

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 按住;压住;使动弹不得
    If someone pins you to something, they press you against a surface so that you cannot move.

    e.g. I pinned him against the wall...
    e.g. I'd try to get away and he'd pin me down, saying he would kill me...

4. (尤指把两件东西固定在一起的)销,栓,楔,钉
    A pin is any long narrow piece of metal or wood that is not sharp, especially one that is used to fasten two things together.

    e.g. ...the 18-inch steel pin holding his left leg together.
    e.g. ...a two-pin continental adaptor.

5. (常指不公正地)把…归罪于,把…归咎于
    If someone tries to pin something on you or to pin the blame on you, they say, often unfairly, that you were responsible for something bad or illegal.

    e.g. They're trying to pin it on us...
    e.g. The trade unions are pinning the blame for the violence on the government.

6. 把(希望、信心等)寄托在…上
    If you pin your hopes on something or pin your faith on something, you hope very much that it will produce the result you want.

    e.g. The Democrats are pinning their hopes on the next election.

7. 用发夹把(头发)别住
    If someone pins their hair up or pins their hair back, they arrange their hair away from their face using hair pins.

    e.g. Cleanse your face thoroughly and pin back your hair...
    e.g. In an effort to look older she has pinned her fair hair into a French pleat.

8. 胸针;饰针;(背面有别针的)徽章,像章
    A pin is something worn on your clothing, for example as jewellery, which is fastened with a pointed piece of metal.

    e.g. ...necklaces, bracelets, and pins.

9. (手榴弹的)保险针,保险销
    A pin is the part of a hand grenade that is pulled out in order to make the grenade explode.

10. see also: pins and needles;drawing pin;rolling pin;safety pin

11. 静得连针掉在地上也听得见
      You can say you could have heard a pin drop when a place is extremely quiet, especially because everyone is waiting for someone to speak or when someone has made a shocking remark.

相关词组:pin down

pin 单语例句

1. pin是什么意思

1. It played out just as Watson imagined, right down to Mickelson's caddie tending the pin on the eagle attempt.

2. pin

2. He made her give him the PIN code of her bank card.

3. pin什么意思

3. Still a fervent lover of Chinese ink art in his spare time, Zhang continues to pin high hopes on Chinese contemporary art.

4. pin的近义词

4. Guests may write down their wishes and pin it to a Christmas tree.

5. He also used a crab pattern for a money clip and the auspicious cloud pattern for a tie pin.

6. pin

6. Pu was in bed plucking her eyebrows when she swallowed the pin and started to cough at about 10 pm.

7. They pin high hopes on the US to counterbalance China's clout in the region.

8. Users can pin applications, shortcuts and anything they like to customize the interface.

9. pin的解释

9. It would unveil a new logo this month called Ferre's " signature pin, " inspired by the late designer's trademark safety pins dangling from his tie.

10. Everyday scents are taken to an unexpected level - like trying to pin down the scent of dirt and holy water.