pine needles

pine needles

原级:pine needle

pine needles 基本解释
松叶;松针( pine needle的名词复数 );
pine needles 网络解释

1. 松针:Lamb.)松针(pine needles)水煎液中的化学成分.方法利用Diaion HP-20,Toyopearl HW-40和硅胶等柱色谱技术进行分离纯化,根据化合物的理化性质和光谱数据进行结构鉴定.结果从马尾松针水煎液镇痛作用较强的正丁醇萃取部位分离得到3个木脂素类化合物,

2. 松树缝, 松针:396. Spinach菠菜 | 397. Pine Needles松树缝, 松针 | 398. Dandruff头垢

3. 松叶:pine needle oil ==> 松叶油,松针油 | pine needles ==> 松叶 | pine nut ==> 松球,松子

pine needles 单语例句

1. pine needles在线翻译

1. There are small and discreet carnivorous plants growing on the ground in litters of pine needles.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. Including small and discreet carnivorous plants growing in the litter of pine needles.

3. Parading on a stage that was covered in pine needles, some contestants carried woven baskets or ceremonial candles from their home regions.

4. It got such an interesting name for its shape of pine needles.

5. pine needles的翻译

5. The danger of a candle burning down and setting the wreath's dry pine needles on fire is reduced to a minimum.