1. 小羽片:以此类推,可以有三回至多回羽状复叶,最末一次的羽片称小羽片(pinnule). 有的羽状复叶的小叶大小不一、参差不齐或大小相间,则称为参差羽状复叶,如番茄、龙芽草等. 掌状复叶(palmately compound leaf) 在复叶上缺乏叶轴,
2. 羽枝:2.吻蛭目(Rhynchobdellida ) 具吻,循环系统与血窦系统相互独立,蛭(图 9-45 A)、在我国池塘、稻田中分布很普遍的金线蛭(Whitmania)向心的一面有单个上皮细胞延伸形成的羽枝(pinnule)及纤毛(图10-2C).
3. 羽肢:columnal 茎板 | pinnule 羽肢 | pinnule 小羽片
4. 羽状体(腔肠动 物):06.0998 中轴索 central chord | 06.0999 羽状体(腔肠动 物) pinnule | 06.1000 小裂片 lobule
1. The pinnate division of a pinna in a bipinnately compound leaf, or the ultimate divisions of a leaf which is more than twice pinnately compound.
小羽片 Pinnule 二回或二回以上羽状复叶的末级羽片。
2. The sori are borne on the abaxial surface of the pinnule, arranged in two rows parallel to the midvein, elliptic, and composed of 4-10 round sporangia.