pipe down

pipe down [paip daun]  [paɪp daʊn] 

pipe down 基本解释

pipe down的翻译


pipe down 相关例句



1. Will you children pipe down and go to sleep?

2. They had piped the water down.

3. It's time to pipe the sailors down.

pipe down 网络解释

pipe down的反义词

1. 安静些:pipe course 容易的课程或工作 | pipe down 安静些 | plain home cooking 家常便饭

2. 安静:pick on me :找我麻烦 | pipe down:安静 | rain cats and dogs:倾盆大雨

3. 安静下来:200.pipe dream 白日梦 | 201.pipe down 安静下来 | 202.pipe course 容易的事

4. 不要吵:out and out 完全地 | pipe down 不要吵 | pipe of peace 和好

pipe down 词典解释

1. 安静下来;停止讲话
    If you tell someone who is talking a lot or talking too loudly to pipe down, you are telling them to stop talking.

    e.g. Just pipe down and I'll tell you what I want.

pipe down 单语例句

1. A puppy is shown stuck inside a sewer drain pipe after getting flushed down a toilet in London.

2. The statement came after an Oct 5 pipe leak shut down mill operations at Century.

pipe down 英英释义



1. become quiet or quieter

    e.g. The audience fell silent when the speaker entered

    Synonym: quieten hush quiet quiesce quiet down