






pirates 基本解释
海盗( pirate的名词复数 );剽窃者;侵犯版权者;非法播音的人;
pirates 网络解释

1. 海盗传奇:光荣的<<大航海时代>>系列,或许不是首款以航海贸易为题材的游戏,但它的成功为以后该类型的游戏打下了基础,之后的<<大航海>>(Patrician)系列、<<海盗传奇>>(Pirates)等,多少都有其影子.

2. 加勒比海盗:但如果是像加勒比海盗(Pirates)那样的电影,就不会这样. 拍摄傲慢与偏见(Pride and Prejudice),幻灵夹克(the Jacket)时会这样,拍<<多米诺>>(Domino)时达到一种极限了. 我刚刚结束的新片<<爱的边缘>>(the Edge of Love)当然也算一个,

3. 海盗夺金冠:据现年42岁的夏洛特刘易斯透露,她在1986年参演波兰斯基执导的电影<<海盗夺金冠>>(Pirates)时,遭到了这位导演性侵犯. 如今,波兰斯基因1977年的性侵犯少女案,面临着被美国引渡回国受审,被判刑两年的危险,夏洛特刘易斯想通过此声明,

pirates 单语例句

1. The Pittsburgh Pirates have won baseball's World Series many times, but not since 1979.

2. The sailors entered a special cabin that was built to prevent pirates from entering and was stocked with necessities for those living inside.

3. pirates

3. The crew gave back their prisoner but the pirates reneged on the plan and are continuing to hold Phillips captive.

4. Somali pirates seized a chemical tanker and a cargo vessel late on Monday, underlining the continued risk to shipping in some of the world's busiest trade routes.

5. The announcement came hours after nine pirates attacked a Chinese cargo ship with 30 crewmen in Somali waters on Wednesday.

6. Yin's proposal came after a Chinese cargo ship and its crew of 25 were rescued from Somali pirates on Monday.

7. The Pirates of the Caribbean star was looking pleased with herself when she gave waiting photographers an eyeful of the expensive ring on her finger.

8. The previous text called on nations possessing warships in the Gulf of Aden to help hunt down pirates with the agreement of the Somali government.

9. pirates

9. The Gulf of Aden off Somalia's coast has become a hotbed for naval forces, with more than 40 ships from 22 countries patrolling its waters for pirates.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Escort taskforce 529 became the third Chinese naval escort taskforce sent out to patrol the Gulf of Aden to protect shipping from Somali pirates.