1. 比萨:PEU;秘鲁;;;;;;X | PIS;比萨;;;;;;X | POL;波兰;;;;;;X
2. 西耶纳:MAN;曼图亚 ;;;;;;;;;;1254 | PIS;西耶纳 ;;;;;;;;;;1255 | SIE;斯本伯根 ;;;;;;;;;;1256
3. 双鱼座:CAP摩羯座 | AQU宝瓶座 | PIS双鱼座
4. pis:postmaster involvement scheme; 局长参与计划
5. pis:position insertion sequence; 位置插串
6. pis:pulsed illumination source; 脉冲式照明源
7. pis:products identity system; 产品形象系统
1. The majority of China's detective jobs involve privacy cases, in which PIs are expected to collect evidence about adulterous spouses.