
pistachio [pɪˈstæʃiəʊ]  [pɪˈstæʃioʊ] 



pistachio 基本解释


pistachio 网络解释

1. 阿月浑子:为盐、糖、维生素和欧米加3一脂酸行业游说的组织经常寄给我关于这些物质营养好处方面的信息和研究文章,正如小麦、大豆、蓝莓、花生、阿月浑子(pistachio)和亚麻籽等众多的食品商业协会所做的那样.

2. 开心果:据2004年11月19日,Foodnews报导:伊朗,是世界上生产开心果,(pistachio)最多的国家. 但是,最近几周,由于供应紧缺,价格飞涨;伊朗已经通过了,欧盟对黄曲霉菌的严格检查.

3. 阿月浑子树:阿月浑子树(pistachio)属漆树科(Anacardiaceae)黄连木属(Pistacia)植物,约有20个种,分为中亚类群和地中海类群两类,其中50%左右是坚果,其仁可食用.

4. 心果:◎开心果(Pistachio)又称阿月浑子、胡榛子、绿仁果,取自乳香树(Mastic Tree)的果实种仁,乳香树为芳香的落叶乔木高约四公尺,适合在少雨、阳光充足、排水良好的沙漠边缘气候地区生长,春天开成簇的芳香淡绿色花朵,结出由红到黑的浆果.

pistachio 词典解释

1. 阿月浑子的果实;开心果
    Pistachios or pistachio nuts are small, green, edible nuts.

pistachio 单语例句

1. pistachio的翻译

1. Diehard fans of pistachio nuts must not miss the delicious cuisines made with the special ingredient when they've eaten it as regular snacks for years.

2. pistachio的反义词

2. Surrounding these conceits are bits of pear cooked in red wine, almond " snow " and dabs of pistachio cream.

3. Among its top sellers are nuts such as pistachio and sauces from the US, cookies and pasta from Europe and milk powder from New Zealand.

4. The administration said it had asked local inspection bureaus to thoroughly check the quality of pistachio nuts imported from the US.

5. pistachio

5. Pistachio nuts will be grown on a massive new farm within a decade in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

6. pistachio什么意思

6. Pistachio green is infused with soft pastel hues, and earthy beige is textured with silver threads.

pistachio 英英释义


1. nut of Mediterranean trees having an edible green kernel

    Synonym: pistachio nut

2. small tree of southern Europe and Asia Minor bearing small hard-shelled nuts

    Synonym: Pistacia vera pistachio tree