
pitch-dark [ˈpɪtʃˈdɑ:k]  [ˈpɪtʃˈdɑrk] 

pitch-dark 基本解释

形容词漆黑的; 黑洞洞; 黑咕隆咚; 黑漆漆

pitch-dark 网络解释

1. 漆黑的:pitch-black 漆黑的 | pitch-dark 漆黑的 | pitchblende 沥青油矿

2. 漆黑:Stereotype: 刻板影响;老一套 | Pitch dark: 漆黑 | Theorize: 推理

3. [区黑妈他] adj. 光线非常不好,很暗:[且过] vi. 躲开 stand aside | [区黑妈他] adj. 光线非常不好,很暗 pitch dark | [日头影儿] n. (阳光下)人的影子 shadow of a person

4. 非常黑:keep sth. dark 对某事保守机密 | pitch dark 非常黑 | whistle in the dark 黑暗中吹口哨, 给自己壮胆

pitch-dark 双语例句

1. We couldn't see our way in the pitch-dark.

2. Though I know, pitch-dark night is unable to spread my heartfelt wishes very far.


3. It was still pitch-dark when I turned on the engine.

4. It was a pitch-dark night.


5. I slipped down into a pitch-dark room.

6. Pitch-dark as was the night, I still found my home.

7. So I am having the same dream. In a pitch-dark area, a pair of

8. At last, it was pitch-dark all around, and he could see nothing.

9. A black moonless night; through the pitch-black woods; it was pitch-dark in the celler.

10. It was pitch-dark in the room and I couldn't see a thing.


11. Outside the house it was pitch-dark.

12. Going into that deep, pitch-dark cave was really frightening.

13. He got up when it was still pitch-dark.

14. On a pitch-dark night, a monk seeking the real Buddha was walking in a desolate village.

15. The evening was pitch-dark, stars and the moon were quenched in gray rain-clouds.


16. In the also pitch-dark road, villagers were coming to and fro silently.

17. Seven years it must be & he had dreamed that he was walking through a pitch-dark room.


18. It was still pitch-dark when I started off from Delamu Inn.


19. The accident happened on a pitch-dark night, moonless and starless.


20. It was pitch-dark in the shed.

pitch-dark 词典解释

1. pitch-dark是什么意思

1. 同 pitch-black
    Pitch-dark means the same as pitch-black .

    e.g. It was pitch-dark in the room and I couldn't see a thing.

pitch-dark 英英释义



1. extremely dark

    e.g. a black moonless night
           through the pitch-black woods
           it was pitch-dark in the cellar

    Synonym: black pitch-black