1. 陈词滥调:platinum 白金 | platitude 陈词滥调 | platitudinarian 说陈词滥调的人
2. 陈腐,滥调:Candor 公正,率直,光明,白色 | Platitude 陈腐,滥调 | Nuance 细微差别,神韵
3. 腐朽,陈词滥调:plague v. 折磨;n. 瘟疫 | platitude 腐朽,陈词滥调 | attitude 态度,观点
4. 老生常谈,陈词滥调:14) careless 粗心大意,马马虎虎 | 15) platitude 老生常谈,陈词滥调 | 16) senile 老态龙钟
1. 陈词滥调;套话
A platitude is a statement which is considered meaningless and boring because it has been made many times before in similar situations.
e.g. Why couldn't he say something original instead of spouting the same old platitudes?
e.g. ...a stream of platitudes, outlining many problems but offering few solutions.
1. a trite or obvious remark
Synonym: cliche banality commonplace bromide