play chess

play chess[plei tʃes] 

play chess 基本解释


play chess 网络解释

play chess

1. 下象棋:弹钢琴:play the piano | 下象棋:play chess | 加入游泳俱乐部:join the swimming club

2. 玩象棋:玩中国象棋 play Chinese chess | 玩象棋 play chess | 玩跳棋 play checkers

3. 下棋 closet壁橱:Draw pictures 画画 teddy bear(软毛)玩具熊 | Play chess 下棋 closet壁橱 | Do art projects 做手工

play chess 单语例句

1. When they have leisure time they chat or play chess on the bridges, while their buffaloes chew grass on the river's bank.

2. Play time for the boy is after midnight when he runs between tables and learns to read cards at his grandfather's chess and poker club.

3. I like to play the game of chess online but used to find my opponents resorting to " dirty tricks " when their games were doomed.

4. He forfeited the title in 1975, refusing to play when conditions that he demanded proved unacceptable to the International Chess Federation.


5. They hoped he could then engage in healthier activities such as sports or play chess at home with her.

6. Archaeologists believe that soldiers from all parts of ancient China used to play chess to while away the time on the remote wall.

7. Old men faithfully gather here to air their birds and play chess.

8. play chess

8. We feed goldfish in the morning, paint and play chess in the afternoon.

9. She also loves to play chess and poker with her father at home.

10. play chess

10. We turned on the light but it was still too dark to read or play chess.