play first violin

play first violin[plei fə:st ˌvaiəˈlin] 

play first violin 基本解释


play first violin 网络解释

play first violin的解释

1. 担任第一小提琴手:play first fiddle 担任第一小提琴手 | play first violin 担任第一小提琴手 | play for one's own hand 为私利而干

play first violin 双语例句

1. The MO is firm especially three years old since rear the musical talent, four years old follows behind the father the learning piano, five years old compose, six years old is again to learn the violin with the father, eight years old creates a batch to play the 鸣 flexure and symphonies, 11 years old wrote the first opera of head.

2. Paganini was first given a mandolin and then at the age of7 a violin to play.

3. Mr. karl play first violin in these symphony.

play first violin的意思

4. Although Arne's father was first opposed to his change of career, he was soon reconciled to it after hearing his son play first violin in a concert in the home of a neighbour.


5. Although Arnes father was first opposed to his change of career, he was soon reconciled to it after hearing his son play first violin in a concert in the home of a neighbour.

play first violin 单语例句

1. Chang will play Brahms'Violin Concerto in D Major in the first half of the concert.