
plotting ['plɒtɪŋ]  ['plɒtɪŋ] 








plotting 基本解释


动词绘制; 密谋( plot的现在分词 ); 把…分成小块; 为(文学作品)设计情节

plotting 网络解释


1. 绘图:lot3 ezpolar ezsurf ezsurfc fplot 绘图(Plotting) 绘图( ) 画等位线 画填色等位线 绘制网格图 绘制含等高线的网格图 绘制曲线 绘制 3 维曲线 采用极坐标绘图 画曲面图 画带等位线的曲面图 画函数曲线图 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8,

2. 标图,标绘,制图:plotter 绘图仪,标绘器 | plotting 标图,标绘,制图 | plug 塞子,插头

3. 标绘:Plating镀. | Plotting标绘. | Plowing犁沟.

4. 测绘:plotting paper 坐标纸 | plotting 测绘 | plough a lonely furrow 孤独地行动

plotting 单语例句

1. plotting

1. They are accused of plotting " to commit an act of violence likely to endanger the safety of an aircraft ".

2. Beijing traffic patrol yesterday denied it was plotting against a family who accused authorities of illegal entrapment when confiscating their unlicensed cab.

3. Thailand's top commander denied reports yesterday that the military may be plotting another coup amid rising political tensions in the southeast Asian nation.

4. A jealous concubine falsely accused him of plotting an uprising in order to make her son the crown prince.

5. plotting什么意思

5. Lu was on the run from police in connection with plotting several gang fights in Beijing and Hebei.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The DPRK calls its nuclear program a deterrent against the US, which Pyongyang routinely accuses of plotting to topple the DPRK government.

7. plotting什么意思

7. More than 200 military officers are charged with plotting a coup in 2003 to dislodge the then newly elected government.

8. During the trial last Wednesday, both Zou and Du blamed each other for plotting the fraud.

9. plotting的解释

9. This group had organized several secret meetings since August plotting needle attacks aiming to stir up hatred between people from different ethic groups.

10. plotting的近义词

10. He was accused of plotting to explode a " dirty bomb " in the United States, but was freed in February without charge and returned to Britain.