
plow [plaʊ]  [plaʊ] 






plow 基本解释

名词犁; 犁型铲雪机

动词耕; 犁耕; 费力穿过

plow 相关例句


1. We plowed our way through the crowd.

2. Farmers now use tractors to plow their fields.


1. Farmers plow in autumn or spring.

2. We've plowed through all the documents related to the case.

plow 网络解释

1. 犁:Smith找个犁(plow)来耕作 [exp +250] -Smith 先生的帐篷就在Amanda帐篷的上面. 看他愁眉不展的,一问之下才知道他们少了一个犁,所以生计开始出问题. Smith 说对街的武器商The Gun and Ammo中有一个,老板 Harry可能愿意卖 -往左边两家店,

2. 扫雪机:plough扫雪机 沟刨 | plow扫雪机 | plug塞子

3. 刨煤机:ploughing 刨煤机采煤 | plow 刨煤机 | plug 炮泥

4. 耕,犁田:play 輕輕鬆鬆,快快樂樂的行進 | plow 耕,犁田 ; | plug away 不停的工作;拼命的工作

plow 词典解释

1. -> see plough

plow 单语例句

1. The catalogue features not just bottles, but also attractive photos of the horses now used to plow the vineyard.

2. Its fortunes unravelled in 2004 after wary investors accused it of using its massive stock investments as collateral for loans to plow back into investments.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. More than 1 million people across a dozen states were under orders to evacuate as the massive system continued to plow westward.

4. They needed just five minutes to plow through the whitewashed walls of a home, and reduced entire villages to garbage dumps in less than a day.

5. Hot money refers to large amounts of capital which speculative investors plow into different markets in search of high yields.

6. The plow's development is the central theme of the Leiyang Agriculture and Culture Museum.


7. The government is to plow more cash into 24 key power projects in a bid to combat China's serious shortage of electricity.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Cattle are important during spring because they help people plow, guaranteeing food for the whole family.

9. Some stand firmly behind their comments and plow forward with their campaigns.

10. Under the system, each household was allotted an area of arable land to plow.

plow 英英释义



1. a farm tool having one or more heavy blades to break the soil and cut a furrow prior to sowing

    Synonym: plough


1. act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression

    e.g. This book deals with incest
           The course covered all of Western Civilization
           The new book treats the history of China

    Synonym: cover treat handle deal address

2. to break and turn over earth especially with a plow

    e.g. Farmer Jones plowed his east field last week
           turn the earth in the Spring

    Synonym: plough turn

3. move in a way resembling that of a plow cutting into or going through the soil

    e.g. The ship plowed through the water

    Synonym: plough