
pointed [ˈpɔɪntɪd]  [ˈpɔɪntɪd] 








pointed 基本解释


形容词尖的,尖锐的; 严厉的,直截了当的; 突出的; 显然的


pointed 相关例句



1. His daughter has a pointed nose.

pointed 网络解释


1. 尖的:fingernail 手指甲 | pointed 尖的 | evil 恶魔

2. 尖角的:point-to-point 越过原野的 | pointed 尖角的 | pointedly 尖锐地

3. 尖尖的:Upturned 朝天的 | Pointed 尖尖的 | Be led by the nose 被牵着鼻子走

4. 尖:point 点 | pointed 尖 | poison 毒

pointed 词典解释

1. 有尖头的;尖的
    Something that is pointed has a point at one end.

    e.g. ...a pointed roof.
    e.g. ...pointed shoes.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 尖锐的;直截了当的;批评性的
    Pointed comments or behaviour express criticism in a clear and direct way.

    e.g. I couldn't help but notice the pointed remarks slung in my direction...
    e.g. Her new book is a pointed look at life in a small community, and the position of women within it.

They were pointedly absent from the news conference...
'This is my house,' Blair said rather pointedly.
pointed 单语例句

1. The sources pointed out that private business has witnessed vigorous growth in recent years, especially in terms of export volume.

2. He pointed out that China is a country that operates under the rule of law and its judicial organs act in accordance with the law.

3. An officer from the Municipal Health Office pointed out that in recent years, death caused by chronic disease accounts for above 85 percent of all recent deaths.

4. It must be pointed out that the TELA and the OAT usually act on complaints made by members of the public.

5. But more importantly, Zeng has pointed out a serious error by the designers.

6. " The point is to act properly in accordance with the rules, " Abou pointed out.

7. " If Afghanistan is attacked by any country the United States should stand alongside Afghanistan, " the resolution pointed out.

8. pointed的意思

8. The driver said a man got into her cab last week, pointed a shotgun at her head and told her to drive down a remote road.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. He pointed out that there is no public light bus that operates through the Tate's Cairn Tunnel.

10. pointed

10. Californian Republican Bill Bradley pointed out that there seemed to be problems with Toyota reporting faults in one country to other nations.

pointed 英英释义


1. direct and obvious in meaning or reference
    often unpleasant

    e.g. a pointed critique
           a pointed allusion to what was going on
           another pointed look in their direction

2. pointed的近义词

2. having a point