
poison [ˈpɔɪzn]  [ˈpɔɪzən] 








poison 基本解释

名词毒药; 酒; 极糟的食物; 极有害的思想(或心情等)

及物动词毒死; 污染; 放毒于; 对…有不良影响


poison 网络解释

1. 有毒品:(11)有毒品(poison)标志,见图1-4-11. (12)剧毒品(drastictoxicant)标志,见图1-4-12. 图1-4-12 剧毒品标志 用于货物外包装上,表示包装内为剧毒物品,如氰化物、砷酸盐等,具有强烈毒性,极少量接触皮肤或侵入人体、牲畜体内,

poison 词典解释

1. 毒物;毒药;毒素
    Poison is a substance that harms or kills people or animals if they swallow it or absorb it.

    e.g. Poison from the weaver fish causes paralysis, swelling, and nausea...
    e.g. Mercury is a known poison.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. (人)使中毒,毒杀,毒害
    If someone poisons another person, they kill the person or make them ill by giving them poison.

    e.g. The rumours that she had poisoned him could never be proved.

She was sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment for poisoning and attempted murder.

3. (物质)使中毒,毒死
    If you are poisoned by a substance, it makes you very ill and sometimes kills you.

    e.g. Employees were taken to hospital yesterday after being poisoned by fumes...
    e.g. Toxic waste could endanger lives and poison fish.

...acute alcohol poisoning...
His illness was initially diagnosed as food poisoning.

4. 在…中放毒;在…上涂毒
    If someone poisons a food, drink, or weapon, they add poison to it so that it can be used to kill someone.

    e.g. If I was your wife I would poison your coffee.

He was terrified to eat, suspecting that the food was poisoned.
...an umbrella tipped with a poisoned dart.

5. 破坏,污染(水、空气或土地)
    To poison water, air, or land means to damage it with harmful substances such as chemicals.

    e.g. ...the textile and fibre industries that taint the air, poison the water and use vast amounts of natural resources...
    e.g. The land has been completely poisoned by chemicals.

6. poison什么意思

6. 危害;败坏;毒化
    Something that poisons a good situation or relationship spoils it or destroys it.

    e.g. The whole atmosphere has really been poisoned.
    e.g. ...ill-feeling that will poison further talk of a common foreign policy.

7. poison的反义词

7. (通常指以谎言)使(对…)产生恶感,使(对…)心怀仇视
    If someone poisons your mind against another person, they make you dislike that person, usually by telling you things that are not true.

poison 单语例句

1. A man has been arrested for spiking a business lunch with rat poison, killing four people and leaving eight sick.

2. But officials said they had to be extra careful with raticide, which polluted the environment and could also poison foxes and eagles that preyed on rats.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Strong medicine cannot be a good cure and may turn out to be a poison.

4. Yet the Anfal case points to Saddam's alleged use of poison gas against Iraqi citizens, a charge often leveled by the US administration.

5. Israel is more worried about Syria's growing missile program and its ability to launch chemical and poison weapons into Israel's cities.

6. poison什么意思

6. Of the 116 food poisoning cases reported to the ministry, 42 involved chemical products such as pesticides or rat poison.

7. A kaleidoscope of different colored frogs was also found, including 24 of the famed poison dart variety and one that was translucent.

8. Her mother's cousin tried to commit suicide by swallowing rat poison because her land was requisitioned with what she considered unfair compensation.

9. " It was given to him to cover up the poison, " he told the AP.

10. In JK Rowling's Harry Potter series, bezoars are used as a cure for poison.

poison 英英释义



1. anything that harms or destroys

    e.g. the poison of fascism

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. any substance that causes injury or illness or death of a living organism

    Synonym: toxicant poisonous substance


1. poison的解释

1. administer poison to

    e.g. She poisoned her husband but he did not die

2. add poison to

    e.g. Her husband poisoned her drink in order to kill her

    Synonym: envenom

3. kill with poison

    e.g. She poisoned her husband

4. kill by its poison

    e.g. This mushrooms can poison

5. poison的意思

5. spoil as if by poison

    e.g. poison someone's mind
           poison the atmosphere in the office