
polyp [ˈpɒlɪp]  [ˈpɑ:lɪp] 



polyp 基本解释


polyp 网络解释

1. 息肉:也有研究在探讨食用蔬果与息肉(polyp)发生与生长间的关系. 息肉多半生长在肠道,最终可发展成结肠癌. 研究人员认为这可能是因为叶酸在DNA合成与修复的过程中扮演的角色,使得它具有对抗乳癌与结肠癌等癌症的功效.

2. 珊瑚虫:我用手在墙上捉到了一只珊瑚虫(POLYP),然后把它用在我自己身上,现在我可以潜泳了. 然后用图钉在自己身上放了点血出来. 现在从中间地上的洞口离开这个房间. 我出现在深海里,在左边的一个贝壳里,我找到了一颗黑色珍珠,

3. 水螅体:生活史从固著的水螅体(polyp)开始,高约1公釐. 过一些时候,水螅体下端出芽,长出水母体. 转钩手水母(G. vertens)螫人有毒,在暖海中密集成群,有害於游泳者. 人被螫後,感觉皮肤灼痛,很快起疱,局部水肿,1030分钟後感到乏力. 开始麻木,

4. 水螅型:水母的一种--灯塔水母(Turritopsi­snutricula­)在性成熟后会重新回到水螅型(Polyp)状态,并且可以无限重复这一过程. 该报称,这种水母是唯一一种只要不被吃掉或病死,在理论上就会长生不老的生物. 灯塔水母长约4至5毫米,

polyp 词典解释

1. (人体内、尤指鼻内生长的)息肉
    A polyp is a small unhealthy growth on a surface inside your body, especially inside your nose.

    e.g. It takes ten years or more for a benign polyp to turn malignant.

2. 水螅(体)
    A polyp is a small animal that lives in the sea. It has a hollow body like a tube and long parts called tentacles around its mouth.

polyp 单语例句

1. The problem could be caused by a polyp in the nose or infected sinuses, she said.

2. polyp的近义词

2. If left untreated a very small percentage of a specific type of polyp can grow and become cancerous.

polyp 英英释义


1. one of two forms that coelenterates take (e.g. a hydra or coral): usually sedentary with a hollow cylindrical body usually with a ring of tentacles around the mouth

    e.g. in some species of coelenterate, polyps are a phase in the life cycle that alternates with a medusoid phase

2. a small vascular growth on the surface of a mucous membrane

    Synonym: polypus