1. 香油/发油:pomander /香丸/香盒/ | pomatum /香油/发油/ | pome /梨果/
2. 润发油, 润发脂 (名):pomander 香丸, 香盒 (名) | pomatum 润发油, 润发脂 (名) | pome 梨果 (名)
1. But she did not end her sentence and for a moment was worried at not being able to remember where she had put her fifty francs on changing her dress. But she recollected at last: they must be on the corner of her toilet table under an inverted pomatum pot.
2. In an instant I understood perfectly how a race who ate such food must necessarily believe in another God and hold essentially different views of human life from our own... There was a suggestion of soap, wax, pomatum, of unguents, dyes, cosmetics; of everything, in short, most unsuited to enter a human mouth.
3. Put the oil, spermaceti, and wax, into a well-glazed pipkin, over a clear fire, and when melted, pour in the rose water by degrees, and keep heating, till the compound becomes like pomatum.
1. hairdressing consisting of a perfumed oil or ointment
Synonym: pomade