
pomelo [ˈpɒmələʊ]  [ˈpɑ:məloʊ] 



pomelo 基本解释



pomelo 网络解释


1. 柚子:这是在中国举办的第14届国际果汁生产者联盟(IFU)大会上的一些有关内容. 目前中国柑橘(mandarin oranges)已经占中国柑橘属类,生水果总产量的65 %;橙子居第二位,占20 %;柚子(pomelo)占14 %;柠檬占0.5 %;其他水果也占0.5 %.

2. 柚:说牛油(Butter)通常是指牛奶里提炼的动物性奶油,但奶油则可泛指动物性或植物性的人造奶油(Margarine)zh-cn橘子<=>zh-hk橙 // 在大陆,橘子(Tangerine)又作桔子,和橙(Orange)、柑、柚(Pomelo)等一同都属柑橘类水

3. 柚子,文旦:石榴 pomegranate | 柚子,文旦 pomelo | 杨梅 red bayberry

4. 文旦:27. 雙眼皮: double eye-lid | 28. 烤肉架: racks | 29. 文旦: pomelo

pomelo 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. The eatery is also a promising place to find the best dim sum and such traditional beverages as chilled mango sago cream with pomelo.

2. I started off with the Pomelo Salad, big juicy pieces of Pomelo garnished and seasoned with chilli and sugar.

3. The pomelo's success shows that when suppliers and retailers join hands, the security of products can be improved and consumers can make their choice with ease.

4. The brown male bird is chocolate crunch and the female is sweet mango and pomelo.

5. The Year of the Rabbit was good for pomelo growers in terms of output.

6. As with all citrus fruits, the pomelo is an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. He said the harvest season for pomelo is only one week ahead.

pomelo 英英释义


1. large pear-shaped fruit similar to grapefruit but with coarse dry pulp

    Synonym: shaddock

2. pomelo

2. southeastern Asian tree producing large fruits resembling grapefruits

    Synonym: pomelo tree pummelo shaddock Citrus maxima Citrus grandis Citrus decumana