
ponder [ˈpɒndə(r)]  [ˈpɑ:ndə(r)] 






ponder 基本解释




ponder 相关例句


1. He pondered his future.

2. He pondered the problem for several days.

3. They are pondering what to do next.


1. She pondered over her next words.

2. She pondered long and deeply over the matter.

ponder 网络解释

1. 沉思:ponder over 沉思 | ponder 沉思 | ponderability 可秤性

2. 沈思:/point 指出 | /ponder 沈思 | /puzzle 疑惑

3. 沉思 meditate 沉思:220 pit 深坑 hole 洞6 | 221 ponder 沉思 meditate 沉思 | 222 ponderous 笨重的 heavy 沉重的

ponder 词典解释

1. ponder

1. 思索;考虑
    If you ponder something, you think about it carefully.

    e.g. I found myself constantly pondering the question: 'How could anyone do these things?'...
    e.g. The Prime Minister pondered on when to go to the polls...

ponder 单语例句

1. Such enthusiasm for the positions of government employees is unprecedented, and it has pushed me to ponder what is really behind the craze.

2. Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho has much to ponder as he prepares his side for Saturday's local derby against Fulham at Stamford Bridge.

3. First, the bus company should ponder over its inappropriate disclosure of information.

4. As I continued to ponder the woman next to me violently sneezed, spraying my hand with a mist of disgusting goo.

5. Eating and knowing what we eat is my concern this new year as we ponder the stubborn inability of Americans to understand Chinese food.

6. However the evolutionary process goes, it does us humans good to ponder on such similarities.

7. When taking a ride in those fashionable green cars, it would be worthwhile for every participant to ponder where they may lead.

8. ponder的解释

8. The Global Forum will also give the host country a chance to ponder its status in the global economy.

9. She says it was one of the best things she ever did even though she now has another irony to ponder.

10. Its use of dictionaries has boomed in the last two decades as justices ponder the meaning of every word.

ponder 英英释义



1. reflect deeply on a subject

    e.g. I mulled over the events of the afternoon
           philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years
           The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate

    Synonym: chew over think over meditate excogitate contemplate muse reflect mull mull over ruminate speculate