
pooling ['pu:lɪŋ]  ['pu:lɪŋ] 







pooling 基本解释


动词集中…共同使用,共用( pool的现在分词 )

pooling 网络解释

1. 池化:使用Spring AOP的开发者通常不需要直接和TargetSource打交道,但这提供了一种强大的方式来支持池化(pooling),热交换(hot swappable)和其它高级目标. 例如,一个使用池来管理实例的TargetSource可以为每个调用返回一个不同的目标实例.

2. 共享:可比纸质票减少成本. 春秋实行单一机型和单一舱位在节省管理成本方面也能奏效. 此外春秋航空与新加坡科技宇航合作的航材共享(POOLING)保障方式,减少资金投入,使航材供应保证率提高到95%以上,这对降低成本的作用显而易见.

3. 航材共享:由德国汉莎技术公司、北京凯兰航空技术有限公司、深圳国有投资管理公司合资经营. 主要业务包括:飞机附件的修理,先集中在机械附件和复合材料方面. 还为亚洲地区的航空公司开展航材共享(POOLING)和航材库存管理业务.

4. (班轮公司间分摊货物或运费)分摊制:Pontoon 浮码头 | Pooling (班轮公司间分摊货物或运费)分摊制 | Poop 尾楼

pooling 单语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. If sharing the costs of private cars by car pooling is deemed illegal, it would equate to an outright ban on car pools.

2. But car pooling is totally different in nature from these illegal practices.

3. Radiation in water pooling around the complex has slowed efforts to stabilize the reactors, but workers made progress Saturday toward cleaning up that contamination.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. They will have to sell part of their electricity through " power pooling " or competitive bidding system.

5. pooling什么意思

5. A third problem relating to the system's financial sustainability and administrative cost concerns the level of pooling and the hundreds of small local setups.

6. This is ridiculous - one of the motivations for car pooling is to reduce the cost of keeping private cars.

7. It will be a critical test for the new legislation to set down regulations that will enforce higher level of pooling and program unification.

8. He added that the mainland has fully demonstrated its sincerity in pooling together wisdom of people on both sides to erase past misunderstandings.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. The most severe sentence for " illegal pooling of public deposits " would be only 10 years'imprisonment but for " fundraising fraud " it could be death.

10. The cooperation would include pooling of resources and joint bidding for fields, he said.