
pose [pəʊz]  [poʊz] 





pose 基本解释

及物/不及物动词使摆姿势; 以…身份出现; 招摇; 炫耀

及物动词提出; 造成(威胁、问题等); 引起; 产生

名词姿态; 姿势; 装腔作势; 伪装

pose 网络解释

1. 剖死:正当我意识到要摆出忧郁又性感、帅气又迷人、含蓄又野性的表情和剖死(pose)来向眼前这个让我大心仪的小仙女发出致命诱惑时,等等,我脸上粘了吧叽湿乎乎的是咋了?

2. 位姿:4) 位姿 (Pose) 工业机器人末端操作器在指定坐标系中的位置和姿态. 5) 工作空间 (Working Space) 工业机器人执行任务时,其腕轴交点能在空间活动的范围. 6) 机械原点 (MechanicalOrigin) 工业机器人各自由度共用的,

3. pose:polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane epoxide; poss环氧化物

4. pose:picture – oriented software engineering; 面向图像的软件工程

pose 词典解释

1. pose

1. 产生(问题);造成(威胁、危险等)
    If something poses a problem or a danger, it is the cause of that problem or danger.

    e.g. This could pose a threat to jobs in the coal industry...
    e.g. His ill health poses serious problems for the future.

2. 提出;陈述
    If you pose a question, you ask it. If you pose an issue that needs considering, you mention the issue.

    e.g. When I finally posed the question, 'Why?' he merely shrugged.
    e.g. ...the moral issues posed by new technologies.

3. 冒充;假装
    If you pose as someone, you pretend to be that person in order to deceive people.

    e.g. The team posed as drug dealers to trap the ringleaders.

4. pose

4. 摆姿势(以供人摄影或绘画)
    If you pose for a photograph or painting, you stay in a particular position so that someone can photograph you or paint you.

    e.g. Before going into their meeting the six foreign ministers posed for photographs.

5. 装模作样;装腔作势
    You can say that people are posing when you think that they are behaving in an insincere or exaggerated way because they want to make a particular impression on other people.

    e.g. He criticized them for dressing outrageously and posing pretentiously.

6. 姿势;姿态
    A pose is a particular way that you stand, sit, or lie, for example when you are being photographed or painted.

    e.g. We have had several preliminary sittings in various poses.

7. 装模作样;装腔作势
    A pose is an insincere or exaggerated way of behaving that is intended to make a particular impression on other people.

    e.g. In many writers modesty is a pose, but in Ford it seems to have been genuine.

pose 单语例句

1. No organization worth its salt likes to see its business partner gain intellectual property, and later pose a big threat as a competitor.

2. pose是什么意思

2. But Tropical Storm Isaac could pose a threat to Romney's plans.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. Californian authorities on Tuesday ruled out the possibility that radiation from Japan would pose a threat to the US West Coast.

4. Lencioni and the university alleged Arruda even raised her dress and stopped to pose for photos the night she wore the short dress on campus.

5. pose

5. But the rising of citizen activism and consciousness will also pose a challenge.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. Insurance companies pose another major threat to the legitimacy of the practice, making a distinction between acupuncture treatments and Chinese herbal treatments.

7. A new cartoon due to go out last night on the US cable channel Comedy Central could pose the same dilemma.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. But now modernization and the market economy pose a serious challenge to the traditions of Cangxian people.

9. Supporting the large population of senior citizens will pose a significant challenge for the country's social security system.

10. Because such activities are not transparent and regulated, they pose even a bigger challenge to the overall stability of China's financial system.

pose 英英释义



1. 911查询·英语单词

1. a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display

    Synonym: affectation mannerism affectedness

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. affected manners intended to impress others

    e.g. don't put on airs with me

    Synonym: airs

3. a posture assumed by models for photographic or artistic purposes


1. pose是什么意思

1. be a mystery or bewildering to

    e.g. This beats me!
           Got me--I don't know the answer!
           a vexing problem
           This question really stuck me

    Synonym: perplex vex stick get puzzle mystify baffle beat bewilder flummox stupefy nonplus gravel amaze dumbfound

2. pretend to be someone you are not
    sometimes with fraudulent intentions

    e.g. She posed as the Czar's daughter

    Synonym: impersonate personate

3. pose是什么意思

3. put into a certain place or abstract location

    e.g. Put your things here
           Set the tray down
           Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children
           Place emphasis on a certain point

    Synonym: put set place position lay

4. assume a posture as for artistic purposes

    e.g. We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often

    Synonym: model sit posture

5. pose的意思

5. behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others

    e.g. Don't pay any attention to him--he is always posing to impress his peers!
           She postured and made a total fool of herself

    Synonym: posture

6. introduce

    e.g. This poses an interesting question

    Synonym: present