





posed 基本解释
使摆姿势( pose的过去式和过去分词 );以…身份出现;招摇;炫耀;
posed 网络解释

1. 摆姿势:portray描写 | posed摆姿势 | positive实在

posed 单语例句

1. This posed great challenges to the business operations of SOEs, said Wang.

2. Police said Wang initially posed as a businessman and conned the family into letting him spend the night so he could scout their home.

3. posed

3. They posed quickly for cameras with no visible signs of the marital distress that tabloids have been buzzing about recently.

4. The agency hopes viewers of its NASA TV channel will follow the astronauts'lead - without the unique difficulties posed by zero gravity.

5. posed什么意思

5. In view of the increasing risks posed by troubled overseas economies, some analysts warned recently that another global financial crisis could be near.

6. posed的近义词

6. He says many democratic countries are " showing callous indifference " to the threats posed by attacks on journalists.

7. Cameroon's starters posed for their pregame team picture along with Foe's photo.

8. Naked men and women have posed in a Sydney park to launch Animal Liberation's winter campaign against fur.

9. But after monitoring it for a minute she decided it posed no collision risk and went to bed for a catnap.

10. posed

10. He also conceded that the ongoing crackdown on prostitution posed a challenge for intervention.

posed 英英释义


1. arranged for pictorial purposes